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Mill Springs National Cemetery

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  • Pvt. Miles Blackburn, (USA) (1841 - 1864)
    Private Co B 49 KY Vol. Infantry Union Army Civil War
  • Corporal Hugo Tafel (1833 - 1862)
    Corporal Company A 9th Ohio Infantry Mortally wounded in Battle of Mill Springs.
  • Pvt. Daniel S. Daugherty, (USA) (1839 - 1862)
    Daniel Daugherty, was a Private in the Union Army with the 10th Indiana Infantry. He was born in Madison, Ohio in 1839, son of Daniel Daugherty and the late Elizabeth Strong Daugherty. Daniel was the h...
  • Harry B. Rogers (1924 - 2012)
    United States Army veteran of World War II. Harry B Rogers BIRTH 24 May 1924 Kentucky, USA DEATH 17 Aug 2012 (aged 88) Kentucky, USA BURIAL Mill Springs National Cemetery Nancy, Pulaski County, Kentu...
  • Robert D. Acuff (1839 - 1863)
    Reference: [object Object]] - [SmartCopy : Aug 17 2019, 12:15:42 UTC


Mill Springs National Cemetery is a United States National Cemetery located in the town of Nancy, eight miles west of the city of Somerset in Pulaski County, Kentucky.

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