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Mstislavl uezd Mogilev province

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Main census records for Mstislavl uezd Mogilev province

National Historical Archives of Belarus in Minsk
Estates Years Fond/Inventory Item number
Different estates (Khoslavichi borough) 1788 2151 / 1 135
Landowners’ peasants, house-serfs 1811 2151 / 1 136
Different estates (Khoslavichi borough) 1816 2151 / 1 137
Different estates 1816 2151 / 1 138
Citizens, peasants, town-dwellers (Mstislavl town) 1834 2151 / 2 1-3
Christian town-dwellers, Jews, state peasants 1850 2151 / 2 4-7
Christian town-dwellers (Mstislavl town) 1858 2151 / 1 139
Jews (Shomov borough) 1858 2151 / 2 44, 45
Jews (Mstislavl town) 1858 2151 / 2 47
Landowners’ peasants 1858 2151 / 2 8-10
State peasants 1858 2151 / 2 11
Christian town-dwellers and Jews 1858 2151 / 2 12
Cantonists 1858 2151 / 2 13
Christian town-dwellers 1858 2151 / 2 14
Jews 1858 2151 / 2 15
Jewish farmers 1858 2151 / 2 16
Jews (Khoslavichi borough) 1858 2151 / 2 17, 46, 48
Jews (Monastyrshchina borough) 1858 2151 / 2 18
Jews (Kazimirova-Sloboda) 1858 2151 / 2 19
Jews (Tatarsk borough) 1858 2151 / 2 20
Jews (Kadin borough) 1858 2151 / 2 21
Jews (Shomov borough) 1858 2151 / 2 22
Jews (Zakharin borough) 1858 2151 / 2 23
The additional census data on Mstislavl uezd Mogilev province

National Historical Archives of Belarus in Minsk
Estates Years Fond/Inventory Item number
Persons reckoned in the Christian society 1864 2151 / 2 24
Town-dwellers 1864 2151 / 2 25
Small-holders 1864 2151 / 2 26
Persons proving their nobility and reckoned in the uezd police department 1864 2151 / 2 27
Christian town-dwellers (Mstislavl town) 1865 2151 / 2 28
Different estates 1865 2151 / 2 29
Different estates (except Jews) 1867-1869 2151 / 2 30-32
Town-dwellers 1870 2151 / 2 33
Different estates 1871 2151 / 2 34
Peasants-owners 1873 2151 / 2 36
Jews (Khoslavichi borough) 1874 2151 / 2 37
Peasants 1874 2151 / 2 38
Town-dwellers (Mstislavl borough) 1875 2151 / 2 39
Peasants 1876-1877 2151 / 2 40
Different estates 1876-1877 2151 / 2 41
Persons reckoned in the Treasury of Mstislavl uezd 1890 2151 / 2 49