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Muhlenberg County, Kentucky

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  • James Taylor Chandler (1876 - 1928)
    GEDCOM Note 1880-age listed 4. 1880-Muhlenberg County, Kentucky. 1900-age listed 23(Apr 1877). 1900-Teaching School. 1900-Muhlenberg County, Kentucky. 1910-age listed 33. 1910-Farmer. 1910-Muhlenberg C...
  • Elgar Hughes Stovall (1901 - 1962)
    ~~~~~Obituary~~~~~ Elgar Stovall, retired coal miner of Central City, died in the Muhlenberg Community Hospital at 6 a.m. Monday, December 3. He was born in Muhlenberg County August 1, 1901 and was a ...
  • Altha Stovall (1892 - 1963)
    1900-age listed 7. 1900-Muhlenberg County, Kentucky. 1910-age listed 16. 1910-Farmer. 1910-Muhlenberg County, Kentucky. 1917-age listed 24. 1917-Farmer(working for father). 1917-listed a wife and 1 chi...
  • Eugene Stovall (1867 - 1935)
  • Amelia Grace Stovall (1871 - 1901)
    GEDCOM Note ===1880-age listed 8. 1880-Muhlenberg County, Kentucky. 1900-age listed 28. 1900-listed as bearing 2/2 were alive. 1900-Muhlenberg County, Kentucky.

Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Muhlenberg, Kentucky.

Official Website

Muhlenberg County was formed in 1798 and was named after General Peter Muhlenberg, who was a colonial general during the American Revolutionary War.

Adjacent Counties

Cities & Communities

Beech Creek | Beechmont | Belton | Bevier | Bremen | Browder | Central City | Cleaton | Depoy | Drakesboro | Dunmor | Ennis | Frogtown | Gishton | Graham | Greenville (County Seat) | Gus | Luzerne | Millport | Moorman | Nelson | Nonell | Penrod | Powderly | Rosewood | South Carrollton | Weir


cemeteries of Kentucky



KY Kinfolk

National Register of Historic Places

Genealogy Trails

USGW Archives