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Mystery of the Disappearance of Nicolas II and His Family

The project has it aim to cast light on the mystery of disappearance of Nicolas II and His Family in July 1918 and included facts, documents, photographs, testimonies, and other material that truthfully and objectively describe the events.

The materials used in helping to serve the mystery will be based on original testimonies of witness, historical facts, historical documentation, and some other relevant sources and memoirs.

Note: the two books-sources that will be regarded by this project as unreliable and therefore not referred to are: the book The Murder of the Tsar and his Family by Nikolai Alekseevich Sokolov, published in 1925 in Berlin by the publishing house 'Slovo', and the book by Mikhail Konstantinovich Diterihs The Murder of Tsar and His Family in Ural published in 1922 by the military publishing house in Vladivostok.

Personal identifiers of the members of the Tsar Family:

Olga Nikolaevna, the daughter of Nikolai Alexandrovich (Nicolas II)

Date of birth: 3 November 1895
Nickname in the letters to Nicolas II: Elisavetgradets (‘The citizen of the Elisavet city’)
On the right arm - a gold non-removable bracelet
Skills - a good horse rider and dancer
Talents - perfect musical pitch
Voice (singing) - mezzo-soprano

Traits and features:
Olga Nikolaevna was remarkably intelligent and capable; studying was like a piece of cake for her. Among her traits were strong will and incorruptible honesty and directness. She had wonderful blonde hair, big blue eyes and wonderful complexion, a bit upturned nose, like the Tsar had. – Anna Alexandrovna Vurybova (16 July 1884 - 20 July 1964)

In height a bit taller than average, fresh complexion, dark-blue eyes, lush light-blonde hair, beautiful hands and feet. Olga Nikolaevna took life seriously, was endowed with intelligence and easy-going character. To my mind she was a strong-willed person… - Julia Alexandrovna Den (1888—1963)

The Grand Duchess Olga Nikolaevna was tall and had fair hair, bright blue eyes, a bit short nose, which she herself called ‘my little stump’, and had wonderful teeth. She had a graceful figure; she was a wonderful horse rider and a dancer. Olga Nikolaevna was the most intelligent out of the four sisters, and also the most musically gifted. Teachers would say she had an absolute musical pitch. She could play any musical composition by heart, transposed very complex passages, and while accompanying, easily read off the list any musical text. One could listen to her piano playing forever. In addition, she was a good singer, mezzo-soprano. She was not too diligent when it came to practicing but when she was inspired she could play for hours. – Sofia Karlovna Buxhoeveden(Sophie von Buxhoeveden) (6 September 1883-26 November 1956)

She had beautiful blonde hair, wide oval face, very Russian, not quite perfect but had wonderful tender complexion and great expressive and kind eyes, given a pretty smile, they made her look fresh and charming. – Alexander Alexandrovich Mosolov (1854—1939)

Tatyana Nikolaevna, the daughter of Nikolai Alexandrovich (Nicolas II)

Date of birth: 29 May 1897
Nickname among sisters:Governess
Nickname in letters to Nicolas II: Voznesenets (The one of Voznesentsky squad)
On the right arm: a gold non-removable bracelet
Skills: a great organiser

Traits and features:
She was a poetic soul, strived for the ideal and longed for great friendship. His Majesty loved his second daughter dearly; her sisters joked saying that if one needs to make an appeal then ‘Tatiana needs to ask Papa to allow this to be done’. Tall, thin as a reed, She had an exquisite cameo like profile, blue eyes and brown hair. She was fresh, delicate and pure like a rose. - Julia Alexandrovna Den (1888—1963)

She had dark hair, pale complexion and wide-set light-brown eyes, because of which her gaze seemed to be poetically dreamy which was inconsistent with her character. The character of Tatyana Nikolaevna was a mixture of precision, accuracy and perseverance - with some inclination towards high ideals. Tatyana Nikolaevna was the recognized favourite of her both parents. She had a rare selflessness and was always ready to cancel her plans to go for a walk with her father, read to her mother, or do anything else that was required of her. She inherited from the Empress Her practical mind and the love for the detailed planning. Tatyana Nikolaevna never indulged in day-dreaming and was quick to adapt to and find her way in any extraordinary situation. - Sofia Karlovna Buxhoeveden(Sophie von Buxhoeveden) (6 September 1883-26 November 1956)

Tatyana Nikolaevna took after Her Mother – thin and tall she was. She rarely played pranks, and in her restraint and manner resembled the Empress. She always stopped her sisters, and remined of the Mother’s will; because of this she was constantly called a ‘governess’ by her sisters. It seemed to me that both parents loved her more than other children. His Majesty used to say to me that Tatyana Nikolaevna remined him of Her Majesty. She had dark hair, her eyes were dark-grey. It also seemed to me that Tatyana Nikolaevna was very popular: everyone loved her – at home, teachers, and in the hospitals. She was most social and wanted to have friends. - Anna Alexandrovna Vurybova (16 July 1884 - 20 July 1964)