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Dedicated to descendants of H mtDNA haplogroup.

The earliest ancestor

Medieval Czech Slav - 750 AD (sample ID - Rise568)

mtDNA: H

Genetic Match: Early Slav
Closest Modern: Russian Smolensk

Formation of H – 17300 BC
Descendants: 88,302

Subclades of H haplogroup

'H1, H2, H3, H4, H5'36, H6, 'H7, H8, H9, H10, H11, H12, H13, H14, H15, H16, H18, H19, H20, H22, H23, H24, H25, H26, H28, H29, H31, H32, H33, H34, H35, H37, H38, H39

H1 mtDNA origins path

H1 mtDNA Ancient Samples

  1. Bell Beaker Germany - 2250BC (sample I0806) - male
  2. Iron Age Chemin de Coupetz Marne France - 250BC (sample I19356) - male
  3. Viking Age Gotland Frojel Sweden - 975 AD (sample VK 438) - male
  4. Viking Age Gottland Frojel Sweden - 975AD (sample VK464) - female
  5. Medieval North Macedonia Tumba S Optticari Bitola - 1065AD (sample I2530) - female

H1-d4a mtDNA Ancient Samples

  1. Izjaslav Ingvarevych, Prince of Dorogobuzh, Rurik Dynasty - 1223 AD

H1a mtDNA Ancient Samples

  1. Late Bronze Age Estonia - 610BC (sample V10) - male
  2. Viking Age Gotland Kopparsvik, Sweden (975 AD) - sample VK475, male

sample ID -VK475
mtDNA: H1a
Y-DNA: R1a1a1b1a2b

Closest Ancient: Viking+Baltic
Closest Modern: Lithuanian

Formation of H1a – 6160 BC
Descendants: 4654

Formation of R1a1a1b1a2b – 2510 BC
Descendants: 2656

H1af mtDNA origins path

H1af mtDNA Ancient Samples

  1. Medieval Czech Brandysek - 710 AD (sample Rise569) - female
  2. Colonial Delaware Avery Rest - 1680 AD - female

H1af2 mtDNA origins path

Royal members with H1af2 mtDNA

  1. Catherine II (The Great) Sophia Augusta of Anhalt-Zerbst, Empress of Russia (2 May 1729-17 November 1796)
  2. Victoria, Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland (24 May 1819-22 January 1901)
  3. Alexandra Feodorovna (Alix of Hesse) (1872-17 July 1918), wife of Nicolas II, Emperor of Russia (6 May 1868-17 July 1918)

H3 mtDNA origins path

H3 mtDNA Ancient Samples

  1. Viking boat Burial Iceland (VDP-A5)
  2. Bronze Age Vlineves - 1500BC (VLI046)
  3. Iron Age Slovenia - 500BC (I5698) - female
  4. Celtic Hungary Gyor-Moson-Sopron - 250BC (I18839) - female
  5. Alemanic Bavaria (STR316) - 495D
  6. Late-Roman Era Montefrio Granada - 500AD (I3581) - female
  7. Spaniard Cordoba Caliphate - 1050AD (I12515) - male
  8. Giron Sant Julia de Ramis - 1060AD (I10851) - female
  9. St Mary's Spital Medieval London - 1250AD (LM92)

Royal members with H3 mtDNA

  1. Peter II Alekseevich Romanov (23 October 1715 – 30 January 1730)
  2. Charlotte Christine of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel 28 August 1694 – 2 November 1715)

H5 mtDNA Ancient Samples

Gleb Svyatoslavich Prince of Novgorod Rurik Dynasty - 1078 AD

sample ID - VK542

mtDNA: H5a2a
Y-DNA: I2a1a2b1a1a2

Closest Ancient: Scythian + Early Slav
Closest Modern: Polish

Formation of H5a2a – 690 BC
Descendants: 6

Formation of I2a1a2b1a1a2 – 340 BC
Descendants: 294

H7 mtDNA Ancient Samples

Izjaslav Ingvarevych Prince of Dorogobuzh Rurik Dynasty - 1223 AD

sample ID - VK541
mtDNA: H7
Y-DNA: R1a1a1b1a1a1c1h

Closest Ancient: Kievan Rus + Early Slav
Closest Modern: Ukrainian

Formation of H7 – 7300 BC
Descendants: 3236

Formation of R1a1a1b1a1a1c1h – 230 BC
Descendants: 64