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Nash County, North Carolina

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    Lucreatia Vick (aft.1700 - 1788)
    GEDCOM Source Ancestry Family Tree More research is needed on the parents and life of Lucretia Tyler Vick. From Joseph Vick of Lower Parish, Isle of Wight County, Virginia and His Descendants, vo...
  • Mary Ann Denson (c.1725 - c.1781)
    Daughter of Arthur and Isabella (Purcell) Whitehead, born around Pagan Creek, Isle of Wight County VA. She married Benjamin Denson on 15 August 1747 at Pagan Creek. There were at least eleven children ...
  • Nathan Whitehead (1723 - 1779)
    Will of Nathan Whitehead, dated March 20, 1778: Mentions children Nathan Whitehead, Benjamin Whitehead, Thomas Whitehead, Rhoda Nicholson, Chloe Culpepper, Isabel Bell, Mary Sandiford and Henry ...
  • Bertie Bell Gibson (1880 - 1918)
  • Jesse Gibson "Gip" Moon (1891 - 1959)

Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Nash County, North Carolina.

Official Website

Nash County was formed in 1777 and was named for American Revolutionary War Brigadier General Francis Nash, who was mortally wounded at the Battle of Germantown that year.

Adjacent Counties

Cities, Towns & Townships

Bailey | Battleboro | Castalia | Coopers | Corinth | Dortches | Dry Wells | Ferrells | Griffins | Jackson | Mannings | Middlesex | Momeyer | Nashville (County Seat) | North Whitakers | Oak Level | Red Oak | Rocky Mount (part) | Spring Hope | Sharpsburg (part) | South Whitakers | Stony Creek | Whitakers | Zebulon (part)


Cemeteries of North Carolina



National Register of Historic Places

NC Gen Web

Genealogy Trails

NC Estate Files - Nash County

USGW Archives