There's a group trying to trace the complete Can Genealogy of the McDonald's of which the McDaniel's are a part (I don't have a McDaniel Y-chromosome to contribute to the search) but here's the link to The McDonald Clan of America website if you're interested in their research.
Clan Donald USA claims that the McDaniel is an American version of McDonnell from the Southern US, but the Irish census from 1659 has a record of a relatively large contingent of men named McDaniell (Especially in and around Cork and Limerick). My McDaniel 5th great grandfather came to America only a few decades after this census was taken, so besides dropping the extra "L" at the end his last name is identical to the surname recorded in the 1659 Irish census.
Hello. My name is Deb. My Great Great Grandmother was Della McDaniel. She had a Sister Harriet " Hattie " McDaniel. Their mother was Francis Brady McDaniel. She married William McDaniel born in 1854. Williams Parent were Philip and Nancy Jane Switzer McDaniel. Does anyone have any information on this line of McDaniel. I have hit a dead end.