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Natchitoches Parish, Louisiana

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Official Website

The parish was formed in 1805, the county is the heart of the Cane River Louisiana Creole community, free people of color of mixed-race descent who settled here in the antebellum period. Their descendants continue to be Catholic and many are still French-speaking. The Cane River National Heritage Area includes the parish. Among the numerous significant historic sites in the parish is the St. Augustine Parish (Isle Brevelle) Church, a destination on the Louisiana African American Heritage Trail, founded in 2008.

Including extensive outbuildings at Magnolia and Oakland plantations, the Cane River Creole National Historical Park interprets the history and culture of the Louisiana Creoles. It is also on the Heritage Trail.

Adjacent Parishes

Cities, Towns & Villages

  • Ashland
  • Campti
  • Clarence
  • Goldonna
  • Natchez
  • Natchitoches (County Seat)
  • Powhatan
  • Provencal
  • Robeline

Other Communities: Ajax, Allen, Bellwood, Bermuda, Bethel, Chestnut, Chopin, Cypress, Cloutierville, Creston, Derry, Fairview Acres, Fairview Alpha (part), Flora, Gorum, Grand Ecore, Grappes Bluff, Hagewood, Irma, Janie, Kile, King Hill, Kraft, Marthaville, Melrose, Mink, Mora, Pleasant Hill, Point Place, Readhimer, Timon, Victoria, Vienna Bend, Vowells Mill, West Lake and Wood


Cemeteries of Louisiana


National Register of Historic Places

Roots Web

Genealogy Trails

LA Gen Web