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Native American Chiefs

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  • Chief Daniel Paul Geswanot Slohoot George (1899 - 1981)
    Chief Dan George was born with the names Geswanouth Slahoot (which was anglicized as Dan Slaholt) to a tribal chief on Burrard Indian Reserve No. 3 in North Vancouver. His last name was changed to Geor...
  • Paul “Sawmill” Powless (1758 - d.)
    Paul Powless Tegahsweangalolis ("Saw Mill") (c. 1758 - 1847) A Chief of the Oneida people and hereditary sachem of the Bear clan. He joined and fought for the American side during the Revolutionary War...
  • Chief of the Hurons (Bear Clan) Nicolas Arendanki Annennontak, Wendat (1620 - 1649)
    A distinguished chieftain of the Bear Clan of the Huron Nation, Nicolas was an early convert to Christianity. He is presumed to have been killed on March 17-18, 1649, when Christian warriors of Ossossa...
  • Chief Paul Anse (1781 - 1855)
  • Chief Sharpnose 'Ta-qua-wi' (1830 - 1901)
    Arapaho Wyoming 1st Sgt Company A, Indian Scouts Last Chief of the Northern Arapahoe Iron Chief (back row left), Sharp Nose (back row right), Black Coal (front row center), and Little Wolf (front ro...

Welcome to the Native American Chiefs Project. The Native American Chiefs Project is for people who have a strong interest in Native American history and culture. Designed for people to learn about a variety of Native American histories and cultures and for the preservation of cultures and langues, for people to share what they know. For sharing and learning about Native Americans from 16th and 17th century Massachusetts and Virginia, the Wild West, the Aztec Empire, and Canadian Indigenous Peoples/First Nations, etc.