The Pomorian soglasiye (Согласие, which means "creed" or "confession") is a group of bespopovtsy ("priestless") Old Believers, who abandoned the practice of receiving "runaway priests" after the death of the last pre-Raskol (schism) priests of the Russian Orthodox Church. In the absence of the priesthood, they began to elect literate laity to conduct services.
The Pomorian creed was formed in 1694, when the Vygovsky men's monastery (Vygovsky obschezhitelstvo) was founded in Pomorye by the Vyg river, which became the spiritual center for the entire creed from the early 17th to the middle 19th century as well as an ideological center for the priestless Old Believers. On the basis of the Solovetsky Monastery rules, the Pomorian service rules for the laity were created without words, which were given by priests.
In 1706, the Leksinskiy female monastery was founded. The Vygovsky monastery is famous for compiling its “Pomorian Answers,” which became the basis of its religious doctrine. In 1738, some Pomorians had started praying for the Tsar. This provoked a split in their community. Those that have not accepted praying for the Czar (моление за царя) during their services, formed the Filippovskiy (who also practiced self-immolation) and the Fedoseevtsy agreements. These subsequent groups also experienced additional divisions and splits later on.
Initially Pomortsy denied the sanctity of marriage. However, in the early 1830s, the Pomorian community became divided on the issue into Staropomortsy (Old-Pomorians), who continued to deny the sanctity of marriage, and the Novopomortsy (New-Pomorians), who allowed the transfer of property by inheritance and legalized marital relations outside the church marriage. The Novopomortsy also attracted members from other Old Believer groups who are disgruntled with the strict attitude towards marriage.
The official church registered with the government as a "church organization" after the "Freedom of Religion" manifesto publication on April 17, 1905. The first All-Russian Pomorian Council was held from May 1–10, 1909, in Moscow, the second in 1912. Local communities of Pomorians also became important economic centers of northern Russia in the early 19th century.
After the revolution of 1917, Pomorians outside of Russia have formed organizational centers in their countries of residence.
Согласие старообрядцев-беспоповцев, которые после смерти последних дораскольных священников отказались от практики приёма беглых попов (беглопоповство), то есть священников, переходящих из Русской православной церкви. В условиях отсутствия священства службы стали вестись избранными грамотными мирянами. На основе иноческого соловецкого устава был создан Поморский устав для ведения службы мирянам, в котором были опущены слова, которые произносились священниками. Также в Поморье на реке Выг был организован Выговский монастырь, ставший духовным центром всего согласия с конца XVII до середины XIX века. По ним и всё согласие получило наименование Поморского. Выговский монастырь имел свои представительства в Петербурге и в Москве. В Петербурге представительством монастыря была моленная на Моховой улице, закрытая властями в 1852 году.