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  • Tien Yow Jeme 詹天佑 (1861 - 1919)
    Chan T'ien-yu 詹天佑 T. Chüan-ch'eng 眷誠 West. Tien Yow Jeme Chan T'ien-yu (26 April 1861-24 April 1919), pioneer railroad builder, educated in America, was known as Tien Yow Jeme . He was early noted a...
  • 寶熙 (仲明 瑞臣) (1868 - 1942)
    字仲明 號瑞臣 行二 正藍旗宗室 光緒戊子科舉人 壬辰進士 翰林院編修 學部右侍郎
  • 盛恩頤 (澤臣) (1892 - 1958)
    四子盛恩颐(1892-1958,泽臣),媳孙用蕙(孙宝琦长女)、贾翠华、贾凤藻、奚仪贞、金钰清、余德贞、殷四珍;孙盛毓邮(1911-?) ,孙媳任芷芳;孙盛毓度;孙盛毓凤,重孙盛品儒(James Shing,1976-)盛恩颐(1892年-1958年)字泽承,江苏武进(今属常州市)人,中华民国企业家。
  • Liang Shih-Yi 梁士詒 (1869 - 1933)
    Liang Shih-i (5 May 1869-9 April 1933), government official and financier whose activities in the development of banking, railroads, and loan programs during the Peiyang period made him the recognized ...
  • George Ernest "Chinese" Morrison (1862 - 1920)
    the influential Peking correspondent for The Times newspaper of London who, in 1912, became the political adviser to Yuan Shikai (1859-1916), the first president of the Chinese Republic. more... ... mo...