The barque Ostrich arrived in Port Adelaide on the 21st July, after a passage of ninety three days with 188 colonists aboard.
Four deaths and four births occurred during the voyage, or before final disembarkation. All the deaths happened during the fourteen days in which the emigrants are allowed to remain on board.
The Surgeon of this vessel also suggests the propriety of having the lying-in hospital removed from the single women’s apartments. He complains of a deficiency of some of the medical comforts, such as porter and brandy.
The emigrants arriving in this vessel were of a most eligible class and the single women found immediate employment.
Notable South Australian Passengers were:
- Sir John Langdon Bonython at only 8 years of age with his parents George Langdon Bonython (1820–1909), a carpenter and builder, and Annie MacBain (1824–1906). All from London, England.
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