Start My Family Tree Welcome to Geni, home of the world's largest family tree.
Join Geni to explore your genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.

Project Tags

This is a country portal project, which is intended as a resource for users from a particular country. It may contain advice on how best to use Geni within your country, such as profile naming conventions, translation instructions, where to find genealogy resources, and more. You may join the project to contribute, or follow it if you only want to receive notifications of new discussions. Note that profiles cannot be added to country portal projects.

Bienvenidos al Portal Panamá de Geni para hablantes de castellano ("español").
For instructions on how to use Geni, refer to the Geni Help Portal

Apoyo de la comunidad





Uniéndose a un proyecto es una buena manera de comenzar su investigación. Contienen enlaces a las personas importantes y recursos útiles. Ver Proyectos relacionados a la derecha para una lista completa.


Por favor, solo vincule su Proyecto Panamá a este portal y le agregaremos la información. Sin embargo, si lo desea, no dude en agregar la información usted mismo .