The barque Pauline, 500 tons, Captain Lüder Stelljes, from Bremen, Germany 21st November 1847, arrived at Port Adelaide, South Australia 31st March 1848, Frederick Cornelius surgeon-superintendent
South Australian Register Saturday 1st April 1848 ship Pauline, Captain Stelljes, from Bremen 21st November, with a cargo of merchandise and sixty-nine passengers, as named and described in our list of arrivals. The ship President, Captain Smit, was to follow in a few days, with a con siderable number of German emigrants, and may therefore be expected to arrive very shortly. Since Sir Harry Smith's first great meeting with the Kafirs, on the 23rd December, as lately described in our columns, His Excellency caused to be convened a grand meeting of Kafirs, which took place at King William's Town, on the 7th January. All the Chiefs were present, but there were not so many of the people as was expected, the number at no time exceeding 2000.
Friday March 31-the barque Pauline 500 tons, from Bremen. Passengers: Augustus Beyer, organist ; Mrs Beyer and five children ; Miss Maria Levins ; Dr. Frederick Cornelius, physician ; Robert Heweike, farmer ; Maurice Weidenbach, gardener ; Mrs Weidenbach and three children; Godfred Hofman, gardener ; Frederick Basedow, teacher ; August Arendt, hairdresser &c. ; Claus Offe, tinman ; Alexander Grovermann, farmer ; Mrs. Grovermann and seven children ; H. W. Wubbe, farmer ; Frederick Eckhold, potter ; Mrs. Eckhold and five children ; Edward Hagen, farmer ; G. Keller, carpenter ; George Polack, watchmaker ; Otto Leonhardi, farmer ; Charles Wenkerwende, farmer ; Henry Hanushke, cabinetmaker ; Frederick Beseler, shoemaker ; Mrs. Beseler and five children ; George Haverland, tailor ; Mrs Haverland and three children ; Joseph Finke, blacksmith ; Mrs. Finke and four children ; Charles Vicke, shoemaker ; Mrs. Vicke and two children ; August Meyer, clerk ; August Bosenberg, baker ; Charles Kracke, winecooper and Heine Burmester, coachman.
Related Projects:
- Bound for South Australia - Ships Lists Portal
- Died at sea - South Australia
- The South Australian Register, ADELAIDE: SATURDAY, APRIL 1, 1848. (1848, April 1). South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), p. 2. Retrieved January 3, 2016, from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article48727745
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