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Pike County, Missouri

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Please add profiles for those who were born, lived or died in Pike County, Missouri.

Official Website

The county was organized December 14, 1818, and named for explorer Zebulon Pike. The folksong "Sweet Betsy from Pike" is generally thought to be associated with Pike County, Missouri. Pike County is the home of Momo (The Missouri Monster). The first reported sightings in the 1970s were traced to various locations throughout the county.

Adjacent Counties

Cities, Villages & Communities

Annada | Ashburn | Ashley | Booth | Bowling Green (County Seat) | Calumet | Clarksville | Curryville | Cyrene | Edgewood | Eolia | Estes | Farmer | Frankford | Gazette | Kissenger | Louisiana | McCune | McIntosh | New Harmony | New Hartford | Paynesville | St. Clement | Sledd | Spencerburg | Stark | Tarrants | Vera


Cemeteries of Missouri



Pike County Gen Web

National Register of Historic Places

Clarence Cannon National Wildlife Refuge

Pike County Genealogical & Jail Museum

Genealogy Trails

Genealogy Village


Hearthstone Legacy