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Potrebno pronaći unos u MKR, Danilo Kraljice

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  • Ivan Višnjić (1861 - d.)
  • Jerry Konjevoda (1889 - 1964)
    Residence : 1930 - Manhattan (Districts 0251-0500), New York, New York, USA* Immigration : 1913* Race : White** Reference: 1930 United States Federal Census - SmartCopy : Jun 8 2018, 16:38:37 UTC * Res...
  • Duma Vrljajac (1860 - d.)
  • Marija Vrljajac (1864 - d.)
  • Stana Radić (1859 - d.)
    Izvori: Varoš, Šibenik MKV-10: 25.2.1879.

Osobe iz župe Danilo Kraljice, rođene u periodu 1858. - 1895., za koje vjerojatno postoji unos u MKR, ali još nije pronađen.