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  • Abby May Erceg
    Abby Erceg (born 20 November 1989) is a professional New Zealander footballer who is a member of the New Zealand women's national team.[1] Erceg currently plays for FF USV Jena in the German Bundesliga...
  • Steve Erceg
    Stephen Vincenzo Erceg (born July 27, 1995) is an Australian professional mixed martial artist. He currently competes in the Flyweight division of the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC). As of Nove...
  • Žena od Ante Ercega (iz Jadrtovca) (deceased)
    Izvor: Status Animarum Perković-Slivno, str 75. (prikupio Vidomir Perković 'Bili' )
  • Erceg (1937 - d.)
  • Erceg (b. - bef.1907)

About the Erceg surname


  • ERCEG~
 means: DUKE~

EN?: Herceg - herceg "vojvoda". Titulu hercega dobio je Stipan Vukčić KOSAČA pa je njegova nekadašnja zemlja po tom dobila ime Hercegovina.
 Hercezi su vrlo razgranat rod u zapadnoj Hercegovini i susjednoj Dalmaciji. Njihova je matica u Vrgorskoj krajini, gdje su vrlo brojni. Hercezi se prvi put spominju u sedamnaestom stoljeću. Naime, u vrijeme kandijskog rata kao izbjeglice živjeli su u Podgori Petar, Tadija i Nikola iz Rašćana. Jure i Nikola Hercegović spominju se u kronici fra Pavla Šilobadovića kao istaknuti hajduci u borbi protiv Turaka. Nastali su od starog plemena Jurišića, koji se 1565. godine spominju u Kotezima niže Vrgorca.
U vrijeme popisa Hrvata katolika Bosne i Hercegovine 1742. i 1768. godine, došli su na područje Ljubuškoga, gdje se u starim maticama već 1785. javljaju u više naselja toga kraja. U Klobuku se koncem devetnaestoga stoljeća spominju tri obitelji: Cvitana Hercega, Grge Hercega i Marka Hercega. Za većinu upisa stoji da su iz Šiljevišta, a drugi su iz Klobuka. Samo jedna obitelj je upisana u Osoju. Naime, 1899. kršten je Stipan sin Marka Hercega iz Osoja i Mande Rašić. Prezime je upisivano: Herceg i Erceg.
Godine 1880. kršten je Mijo sin Cvitana Hercega iz Šiljevišta i Mare Mišetić. Cvitan je s Marom imao još četvero djece: Maru, Luku, Anu i Jozu. Nakon Marine smrri Cvitan se oženio Jozom Petrović i dobio dvoje djece: Stojana 1898., i Miju - tu je zapisano da je Cvitan Erceg iz Šiljevišta.
Spominje se obitelj Grge Hercega i Vide Barbarić iz Šiljevišta koja je imala četvero djece: Ivu (1886.), Matu (1890.), Vladimira (1893.) i Marka (1899.). Kod posljednjeg upisa zapisano je da je Grgo Herceg iz Jablanice.

HERCEG~Duke~Hertog~TRANSLATIONS we'llcome.

Stipan Vukčić KOSAČA won the title Duke and his former country and Kingdom are named after him. Herceg is a very popular in western Herzegovina and neighboring Dalmatia. The main branch is from Vrgorskoj Krajina, where they are very numerous. Hercezi was first mentioned in the seventeenth century. Specifically,

Petar ~ Nikola & Tadija

from RAŠČANE were living as refugees in Podgora during the Turkish wars.

Jure & Nikola

  • HERCEGOVIĆ were mentioned in the chronicle of Brother Pavla ŠILOBADOVIĆA as noted outlaws in the fight against the Turks. Herceg originated from the ancient tribe JURIŠIĆA, which in 1565 was mentioned in Kotezi near Vrgorac. The name was listed in Ljubuski at the time the list of the Catholic Croats in Bosnia and Herzegovina was done in 1742 and 1768, where in 1785 the name has appeared in several villages of the region. In the late nineteenth century in Klobuk are three families: Cvitana HERCEG, and Grge Herceg Marko Herceg. Only one family was enrolled in Osoje. In fact, in 1899 Stipan son Marko Herceg from Osoje and Mande Rasić was baptized. Last name is inscribed: Herceg and Erceg. In 1880, the son of Mijo Cvitana Herceg from Šiljevišta and Mare Misetić was baptized. Cvitan with Mara had four more children: Mara, Luka, Ana and Joze. After Marine Cvitan married Jozo Petrović and had two children: Stojan in 1898, and Mija - there is a note that Cvitan Erceg is from Šiljevišta. Also mentioned are the family of Grge Herceg and Vide Barbaric from Šiljevišta who had four children: Iva (1886), Mate (1890), Vladimir (1893) and Marko (1899). In the last entry is written that Grgo Herceg was from Jablanica.

NL: Hertog betekent dat deze familie ooit in hun land van oorsprong een belangrijke plaats in hun domeinen en dorpen wisten te veroveren en dus zorgden voor rust voor hun onderdanen, familieleden en hun personeel.


  • Prezime ERCEG uglavnom nose Hrvati, većim dijelom iz Vrgorca, a prema nekimi izvorima iz Mandaline kraj Šibenika. Rijetko su i Srbi (okolica Zadra). U prošlih sto godina rođeno ih je razmjerno najviše u Slivnu kraj Šibenika, Velikom Prologu kraj Vrgorca i Rašćanama kraj Vrgorca, mjestima u kojima se svaki četvrti stanovnik prezivao Erceg. U Hrvatskoj danas živi oko tri tisuće Ercega u oko sedamstopedeset domaćinstava (124. prezime prema brojnosti). Sredinom prošlog stoljeća bilo ih je približno dvije tisuće, pa se njihov broj do danas gotovo udvostručio.

The surname ERCEG is usually worn by Croats, mostly from around Vrgorac, according to some sources from Mandaline near Šibenik. Rarely are they Serbs (near Zadar). In the past one hundred years the highest proportion were born in Slivnu near Sibenik, near Veliki Prologu near Vrgorac and Raščane near Vrgorac places in which every fourth citizen’s surname is Erceg. In Croatia today there are about three thousand Erceg in about seven hundred households (124 surname by number). Middle of last century there were approximately two thousand, and their number is still almost doubled.