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Definition - One that prints, especially one whose occupation is printing.

In publishing, printers can be companies providing printing services and individuals who directly operate printing presses.

This project is for those whose occupation is printer. Please link GENi profiles of those whose occupation was/is described as Printer to this project. Bold links are to GENi profiles; other links are to external web pages.

The profession of printer became established after the invention of the moveable type printing press by Johannes Gutenberg around 1450, and proliferated throughout Europe.

Early printers often were often described by individual characteristics in the works they produced, such as type or typography, and since early printed books were made in relatively small quantities they are rare and collectible.

Today's printers include:

  • Newspaper printers, often owned by newspaper publishers
  • Magazine printers, usually independent of magazine publishers
  • Book printers, often not directly connected with book publishers
  • Stationery printers
  • Packaging printers
  • Commercial printers, often offering digital and traditional printing services
  • Trade printers, who offer wholesale rates within the printing industry
  • An artist who operates a printing press to execute their own works, especially by hand in limited runs, is usually distinguished from other printers by the term printmaker.

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