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Quintinshill Rail Disaster

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Quintinshill Rail Disaster

The Quintinshill rail disaster occurred on 22 May 1915 near Gretna Green, Dumfriesshire, Scotland at Quintinshill, an intermediate signal box with passing loops on each side on the Caledonian Railway Main Line linking Glasgow and Carlisle (now part of the West Coast Main Line).

The crash, which involved five trains, killed a probable 226 and injured 246 and remains the worst rail crash in the United Kingdom in terms of loss of life. Those killed were mainly Territorial soldiers from the 1/7th (Leith) Battalion, the Royal Scots heading for Gallipoli. The precise death toll was never established with confidence as the roll list of the regiment was destroyed by the fire.

The crash occurred when a troop train travelling from Larbert, Stirlingshire to Liverpool, Lancashire collided with a local passenger train that had been shunted on to the main line, to then be hit by an express train to Glasgow which crashed into the wreckage a minute later. Gas from the lighting system of the old wooden carriages of the troop train ignited, starting a fire which soon engulfed the three passenger trains and also two goods trains standing on nearby passing loops. Some bodies were never recovered, having been wholly consumed by the fire, and the bodies that were recovered were buried together in a mass grave in Edinburgh's Rosebank Cemetery. Four bodies, believed to be of children, were never identified or claimed and are buried in the Western Necropolis, Glasgow.

The cause of the accident was neglect of the rules by two signalmen. Both men were charged with manslaughter in England, then convicted of culpable homicide after trial in Scotland; the two terms are broadly equivalent. After they were released from a Scottish jail in 1916, they were re-employed by the railway company, although not as signalmen.

A memorial to the dead soldiers was erected soon after the accident and there are more recent memorials at various locations. An annual remembrance service is held at Rosebank Cemetery.

Sequence of events

The accident occurred owing to poor working practices on the part of the two signalmen involved; George Meakin, who had worked the night shift, and James Tinsley, who was to work the early day shift. If they had been working according to regulations, then Tinsley would have taken over from Meakin at 6.00 am. The two men, though, had developed an informal arrangement allowing whoever was working the early shift to arrive later. If the local passenger train from Carlisle to Beattock was due to be shunted at Quintinshill then the signalman at Gretna would advise whoever was working the early shift of this and the day signalman would hitch a ride on the local train to Quintinshill, thus saving himself the 1.5 miles (2.4 km) walk from Gretna. To avoid their malpractice being detected by company management, whoever was working the night shift would record all train movements after 6.00 am on a piece of paper rather than record them in the train register. When the day man arrived, he would copy the entries from the paper into the train register, making it appear that the shift change had occurred at the correct time.

On the morning of 22 May the night expresses were both running late so the local train had to be shunted at Quintinshill, and therefore Tinsley took advantage of the free ride on the local train to arrive there at about 6.30 am. As the goods loop was occupied with the 4.50 am goods train from Carlisle, Meakin decided to shunt the local passenger train onto the Up main line Although not a preferred method of operation, this was not a dangerous thing to do if the proper precautions were taken. Out of the previous 21 occasions that the local train had been shunted at Quintinshill, on four occasions it had been shunted onto the Up line. On this occasion neither of the important safety precautions were taken. Firstly, Kirkpatrick signal box (the preceding box in the Up direction) was not sent the "blocking back" signal which would have informed the Kirkpatrick signalman that the line was occupied and warned him not to send any more trains towards Quintinshill. Secondly, the signalman at Quintinshill should have placed a signal lever collar over the relevant signal lever to stop himself from clearing the signal and allowing another train to proceed from Kirkpatrick.

The laxity of the fireman of the local train, George Hutchinson, in carrying out his duties under Rule 55 meant that Tinsley's and Meakin's failures went unobserved. Had Hutchinson carried out his duty correctly, he would have reminded the signalman that his train was standing on the Up main line and would have checked that a lever collar was in place before returning to his train. He did neither, and merely signed the train register, using a pen which Tinsley, who was intent on filling in the train register, handed over his shoulder without looking up, and left the signal box at 6.46 am. Also in the signal box, against the rules, were two other railwaymen (brakesmen from the two goods trains) whose presence may have distracted Tinsley and Meakin who was discussing the war with the two brakesmen.

At 6.34 am one of the signalmen (it was never established who) gave the "train out of section" bell to Kirkpatrick for the coal train which now stood in the up goods loop. After giving train out of section, this was the point at which the "blocking back" signal should have been given to Kirkpatrick but neither man did this. At 6.38 am the first of the expresses from Carlisle passed Quintinshill heading north. At 6.42 am Kirkpatrick "offered" the troop train to Tinsley. Tinsley immediately accepted this and four minutes later was offered the second northbound express from Gretna Junction. At 6.47 am Tinsley received the "train entering section" signal from Kirkpatrick for the troop train and offered it forward to Gretna Junction, having forgotten all about the local passenger train which was occupying the Up line. It was immediately accepted by Gretna Junction so Tinsley pulled "off" his Up home signal to allow the troop train forward. Had he placed a lever collar on this signal as he should have done (and as Hutchinson should have checked) then Tinsley would not have been able to pull the signal lever.

The troop train collided head on with the stationary local train on the up line at 6.49 am. Just over a minute later, the second of the express trains ran into the wreckage. The wreckage also included the goods train in the down loop and a train of empty coal trucks in the up loop. At 6.53 Tinsley sent the "Obstruction Danger" bell signal to both Gretna and Kirkpatrick, stopping all traffic and alerting others to the disaster.


Many men on the troop train were killed as a result of the two collisions and the disaster was made much worse by a subsequent fire. The great wartime traffic and a shortage of carriages meant that the railway company had to press into service obsolete Great Central Railway stock. These carriages had wooden bodies and frames, so had very little crash resistance compared with steel framed carriages, and were gas-lit using the Pintsch gas system. The gas was stored in reservoirs slung under the underframe and these ruptured in the collision, the escaping gas igniting from the coal burning fires of the engines. The gas reservoirs had just been charged prior to leaving Larbert and this, plus the lack of available water, meant it was not until the morning of the next day that the fire was extinguished despite the best efforts of railway staff and the Carlisle fire brigade.

The troop train had consisted of 21 vehicles and apart from the rear six, which had broken away during the impact and rolled back along the line a short distance, the entire train was consumed in the fire, as were four coaches from the express train and some goods wagons. All four locomotives (the express was double headed) of the troop train, the local train and the express, were also badly damaged by fire and the intensity of the fire was so hot that all the coal in the tenders was consumed.

Rescue efforts

Amongst the first rescuers to arrive at the scene were Mr and Mrs Dunbar, caretakers at The Old Blacksmith's Shop, Gretna Green. Mrs Dunbar stated that when she heard the crash, her immediate thought was that the Germans had come. Mrs Dunbar telephoned doctors in Carlisle for assistance. Mr Dunbar spent the day assisting the rescue efforts.


By 24 May, newspapers were already reporting the accident as the deadliest in the United Kingdom. The initial estimate was 158 dead, with over 200 injured. The bodies of the victims were initially laid in a field by the line and covered in white sheets. They were later taken to a nearby farm or to Gretna Green Village Hall. The Board of Trade appointed Lieutenant Colonel Edward Druitt, R.E. to head the inquiry into the Accident. The King sent a telegram to Caledonian Railway general manager Donald Mathieson expressing sympathy and asking to be kept informed of the recovery of those injured. On 23 May, a recruitment meeting was held at the Usher Hall, Edinburgh to raise a new battalion. The railway was reopened through Quintinshill on the morning of 25 May, although not all the wreckage had been removed. The two locomotives of the express train stood in a siding with all their paint burnt off. These – no. 140 of the Dunalastair IV Class and no. 48 of the 43 Class, both of the 4-4-0 wheel arrangement – were later repaired and returned to traffic, but no. 121, a 4-4-0 of the 139 Class, which had hauled the troop train, and no. 907, a 4-6-0 of the Cardean Class, which had been hauling the local, were both written off and scrapped.


The overwhelming majority of fatalities were among the men of the Royal Scots and the precise number was not established as the roll list of the regiment was destroyed by the fire. Lt.-Col. Druitt's official report gives an estimated total of 215 deaths and a further 191 injured. Of the 500 soldiers of the 7th Battalion of the Royal Scots on the troop train, only 58 men were present for roll call at 4.00 pm that afternoon, along with seven officers.In total, 226 people died and 246 were injured. The engine crew of the troop train also died in the first collision. Both driver Scott and fireman Hannan had driven the Royal Train.

Considering the double collision and the fire, casualties in the other trains were lighter than might have been expected. On the local train two passengers died, with none seriously injured; on the express seven passengers died, with a further 51 and 3 members of railway staff seriously injured.


Some of the bodies were never recovered, having been wholly consumed by the fire, and when the bodies of the men of the Royal Scots were returned to Leith on 24 May, they were buried together in a mass grave in Edinburgh's Rosebank Cemetery. The coffins were laid three deep, with each on the top row covered in the Union Flag. The public were excluded from the cemetery, although 50 wounded servicemen who were convalescing at a nearby military hospital were allowed to attend. The ceremony lasted three hours, at the end of which a volley of three shots was fired and the Last Post was sounded.

The bodies were escorted by the 15th and 16th Battalions Royal Scots, the Edinburgh Pals battalions recently assembled and still undergoing training. The cortege took four hours to complete its task. A memorial to the dead troops was erected in Rosebank Cemetery in 1916.

Of the troops, 83 bodies were identified, 82 were recovered but unrecognisable, and 50 were missing altogether, giving the total of 215, later revised by the army to 214.The soldiers were buried with full military honours. Among the coffins were four bodies which were unidentified. One coffin was simply labelled as 'little girl, unrecognisable,' and another as 'three trunks, probably children'. As no children were reported missing the railway company moved the bodies to Glasgow for possible identification, but no one came forward to claim the bodies. The four were buried in Glasgow's Western Necropolis on 26 May. The engine crew of the troop train were both from Carlisle, and they were also buried on 26 May at Stanwix Cemetery.


The surviving officers and men of the Royal Scots were taken to Carlisle on the evening of 22 May. The next morning they were redispatched on a new train to Liverpool, but on arrival at Liverpool they were medically examined and all the enlisted ranks plus one officer were declared unfit for service overseas and were returned to Edinburgh. It was reported in the Edinburgh Weekly that on their march from the port to the railway station the survivors were mistaken for prisoners of war and pelted by some children.


Board of Trade inquiry

The first official investigation into the disaster commenced in Carlisle on 25 May at County Hall, Carlisle. It was conducted by Lieutenant Colonel E. Druitt RE of the Railway Inspectorate on behalf of the Board of Trade. Lt.-Col. Druitt had already spent some time at the accident site and spent the day in Carlisle interviewing witnesses including both Meakin and Tinsley. Both men were honest about their failures to abide by the rules and their generally lax behaviour. Lt.-Col. Druitt presented his report to the Board of Trade on 17 June 1915 and laid the blame squarely on Meakin and Tinsley.

This disastrous collision was thus due to want of discipline on the part of the signalmen, first by changing duty at an unauthorised hour, which caused Tinsley to be occupied in writing up the Train Register Book, and so diverted his attention from his proper work, secondly by Meakin handing over the duty in a very lax manner; and, thirdly by both signalmen neglecting to carry out various rules specially framed for preventing accidents due to forgetfulness on the part of signalmen.

Druitt was also critical of Fireman Hutchinson for his failure to comply properly with rule 55, and also of Alexander Thorburn, the stationmaster at Gretna who had responsibility for Quintinshill signal box and who, in Lt.-Col. Druitt's opinion, cannot have been unaware of the irregular shift changes operated by Meakin and Tinsley.

Druitt concluded that even had all the trains been lit by electricity, a fire would still have occurred as the wagons of the goods train in the down loop caught fire. He also concluded that had Quintinshill been equipped with track circuiting, then the accident would have been avoided as the electrical interlocking of the signals would have prevented Tinsley from pulling the relevant signal levers, but that with its simple layout and good visibility from the signal box Quintinshill was a low priority for track circuits to be installed.

Coroner's inquest in England

The legal position was complicated by the fact that although the accident occurred in Scotland, some of the injured subsequently died in England where the law was different. In Scotland, deaths were investigated by the procurator fiscal who, if he found culpability on the part of anyone, could order their arrest and charge them with culpable homicide.In England the coroner investigated death and, if the coroner's jury found that death was due to neglect, then the coroner could indict charges of manslaughter against the named parties. The coroner for Carlisle, Mr T S Strong, asked for guidance from the Home Office and was instructed to conduct inquests on those who had died in England in the normal way. The inquest opened on 25 May but was immediately adjourned until 23 June to allow Lt-Col. Druitt to finish his investigation. After two days hearing evidence from, among others, Tinsley, Meakin and Hutchinson, Strong summed up the evidence to the nineteen-man jury. He highlighted that if Meakin and Tinsley had obeyed the rules on any of (a) blocking back, (b) lever collars or (c) a correctly kept train register, they could not have forgotten the stationary train. He concluded his summing up with:

If you find as a result of your deliberations that the rules and safeguards were broken by one or more of the railwaymen concerned, or in other words that they have been negligent, there remains one point which you must decide, and it is this.

Was that negligence of such a character—having regard to all the surroundings—as to be culpable negligence, or in other words gross negligence?

If so it was manslaughter.
The jury retired and an hour later came back with a verdict that the 27 people who were the subject of the inquest had died due to the gross negligence of Tinsley, Meakin and Hutchinson. The coroner therefore committed all three to the next sitting of Cumberland Assizes on a charge of manslaughter; all three were granted bail.

The solicitor representing the three railwaymen protested that the committing of them to trial was outside the Coroner's jurisdiction, as the alleged offence had been committed in Scotland. The Coroner stated that he had been instructed to proceed with the inquest by the Home Office.The verdict of the English inquest was to leave Tinsley in an unusual position, as he was arrested by the Scottish authorities on 29 May 1915, and charged with culpable homicide. He now faced a charge of manslaughter in England based on the same facts. After discussion between the Law Officers of England and Scotland, it was decided to proceed against the three men in Scotland.

Trial of Tinsley, Meakin and Hutchinson

The trial of the three men started on 24 September 1915 in the High Court in Edinburgh. The Lord Justice General, Lord Strathclyde, presided over the trial; the Lord Advocate, Robert Munro KC prosecuted and the three men were defended by Condie Sandeman KC. Tinsley, Meakin and Hutchinson all pleaded not guilty to the charges of culpable homicide and breach of duty against them. The trial lasted a day and a half; after the prosecution had concluded their case, Sandeman submitted to the Lord Justice General that there was no case to answer by Hutchinson. This submission was accepted by the Lord Justice General and the jury were instructed to find him not guilty at the conclusion of the trial. Sandeman called no witnesses on the part of Meakin and Tinsley but instead sought to persuade the jury that neither had been criminally negligent but that Tinsley had just had a momentary loss of memory.

After Sandeman's speech, Lord Strathclyde summed up to the jury, ending:

At 6.43 on the morning of the day in question the men in the signal box at Quintinshill were asked to accept the troop train coming from the north. They accepted it. That meant that they gave the signal to the north that the line was clear and that the troop train might safely come on. At that very moment when the signal was given there was before the very eyes of the men in the signal box a local train which was obstructing the line on which the troop train was to run. One man in the signal box had actually left the train a few minutes before just at the time when it was being shunted on to the up line. The other man had a few minutes before directed the local train to leave the down main and go on to the up main.

That is the staggering fact that confronts you.

If you can explain that fact consistently with the two men having faithfully and honestly discharged their duties you should acquit them. If you cannot explain that staggering fact consistently with the men having faithfully discharged their duties then you must convict them.
The jury retired to consider their verdicts at 12.40 pm and returned only eight minutes later finding Hutchinson not guilty as directed, but finding Tinsley and Meakin guilty as charged. After hearing mitigation on behalf of the two Lord Strathclyde sentenced Tinsley to three years penal servitude and Meakin to eighteen months imprisonment.

Fatal accident inquiry in Scotland

The final legal inquiry into the disaster was held on 4 November 1915 in Dumfries and was an inquiry under the Fatal Accidents Inquiry (Scotland) Act 1895 into the deaths of the crew of the troop train. Presided over by Sheriff Campion it came to the same conclusion as the English inquest and the trial that if Meakin and Tinsley had followed the rules then the accident would not have happened.

After the trial

Meakin and Tinsley were released from prison on 15 December 1916. After release, Tinsley went straight back to working on the Caledonian railway as a lampman. He died in 1967. Meakin also returned to the railway, as a goods train guard. Some years later he was made redundant from that job and set himself up as a coal merchant, trading from Quintinshill siding, right next to the scene of the crash. In the Second World War, he worked in the Gretna munitions factory until he retired due to ill health. He died in 1953.

The pair were not the first signalmen to be convicted for their part in causing an accident, nor the last. James Holmes was tried for manslaughter following the Thirsk rail crash of 1892, but was given an absolute discharge.Signalman Frost was gaoled for two years for his part in causing the Connington South rail crash in 1967.


As well as the memorial in Rosebank Cemetery, there is a plaque at Larbert railway station, from where the soldiers originally departed. Two memorials have been erected by the Western Front Association, the first in 1995, just to the south of the scene of the accident and the second near to the site of the disaster was unveiled in September 2010. A memorial to the unknown children was erected at the Western Necropolis in Glasgow in 2011. There is also a memorial to Lt Cdr C H E Head, who died in the accident, in St Ann's Church at Portsea, Hampshire.

Annual remembrance services are held at Rosebank Cemetery attended by the Lord Provost of Edinburgh, the Royal Scots association and others.There are to be commemorative services at Gretna for the centenary of the disaster on 22 May 2015 and at Rosebank Cemetery on 23 May. They will be attended by the First Minister of Scotland, Nicola Sturgeon, and the Princess Royal.

// Main Reference WIKI Quintinshill Rail Distaster Information shared under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License - see Creative Commons Licenses

References, Sources and Further Reading

Those who lost their lives in The Quintinshill Railway Disaster

Saturday 22nd May 1915

See also



  • Mitchell, John Monfries 32 - Son of Annie Mitchell, of 4, Nile Grove, Edinburgh, and the late Alexander Mitchell. Born at Leith, Edinburgh.



  • Allan, William
  • Anderson, James - Service number 2535
  • Gear, James - Service number 155
  • Gibson, Alexander S. - Service number 902
  • Hutcheon, William 34 - Service number 118. Son of John McA. and Catherine Hutcheon; husband of Christina F. O. Hutcheon, of 9, Elmwood Terrace, Leith, Edinburgh. Born at Ayr.


  • Flett, William 36 - Service number 425 Son of James and Margaret Flett; husband of Catherine Campbell Flett, of 8, Hutchison Avenue, Edinburgh. Born at Leith, Edinburgh.
  • Peters, David John 23 - Service number 802. Son of David and Janet Peters, of 20, Dryden St., Edinburgh.


  • Allison, Samuel, 22 - Service number 552. Son of Samuel and Agnes Allison, of 97, Albert St., Edinburgh. Born at Edinburgh.
  • Jack, David - Service number 1047
  • Kerr, Michael - Service number 596
  • Milton, William Drummond 38 - Service number 151. Son of John and Mary S. Milton, of 4, Mansfield Place, Edinburgh. Served IS, years in Royal Artillery.
  • Mackay, George 36 - Service number 994. Son of William MacKay, of 23A, Rossie Place, Edinburgh.
  • Sime, James Spalding 23 - Service number 636. Son of Robert H. and Janet A. Sime of 40, Dalmeny St., Leith, Edinburgh.
  • Somerville, Alexander George 24 - Service number 834. Son of Mrs. Cath Somerville, of 121A, Inveresk Rd., Musselburgh, Midlothian. Born at Musselburgh, Midlothian.
  • Storie, George - Service number 828


  • Angus, Robert, 18 - Service number 1225. Son of Alexander and Sarah Angus, of 57, Dalmeny St., Leith, Edinburgh. Born at Leith, Edinburgh.
  • Bellman, George - Service number 1250
  • Bonnar, Charles - Service number 874
  • Brass, John 18 - Service number 1504. Son of Robina Brass, of 13, Earlston Terrace, London Rd., Edinburgh, and the late John Brass. Born at Edinburgh.
  • Brown, George - Service number 540.
  • Cairns, Archibald - Service number 1574
  • Campbell, Peter - Service number 1113
  • Dawson, Robert - Service Number 696
  • Mennamann, William Imrie 31 - Service number 1219. Son of Serjt. James Mennaman, H.L.I.; husband of Margaret Davidson Mennaman, of 2, Wheatfield Place, Gorgie, Edinburgh.
  • McLean, David 21 - Service number 1726. Son of David and Mary McLean, of 54, Pitt St., Bonnington, Leith, Edinburgh. Born at Leith, Edinburgh.
  • Nicholson, Robert - Service number 1684
  • Ramsay, Robert - Service number 989 (CWGC Have him as a Private)
  • Shaw, George - Service number 541
  • Simpson, Walter A. 24 - Service number 1687. Son of Marion Simpson, of 10, James Place Leith, Edinburgh, and the late Richard Simpson. Born at Leith, Edinburgh.
  • Suttie, John - Service number 1220 (CWGC have him as a Private)
  • White, Alexander - Service number


  • Backwood, William R T, 22 - Service number 1760 (Blackwood) - Son of Daniel and Isabella Blackwood, of 37, Bonnington Rd., Leith, Edinburgh. Born at Leith, Edinburgh.
  • Grant, Alexander - Service number 1448
  • Inglis, John - Service number


  • Malone, John 16 - Service number 1447. Son of Mr. and Mrs. John Malone, of Meadowbank Lodge, Holyrood Park, Edinburgh. Born at Glencorse, Edinburgh.


  • Adams, James - Service number 2837
  • Allan, Thomas - Service number 605
  • Anderson, James - Service number 2535
  • Angus, David R. - Service number 1209
  • Archibald, David - Service number 2382
  • Arnould, Thomas - Service number 1663
  • Auld, John A. 21 - Service number 1957. Son of John and Jacobina More Auld, of 46, Elm Row, Edinburgh. Born at Edinburgh.
  • Baillie, Andrew Forest 21. - Service number 1401. Son of Agnes F. Baillie, and the late William Baillie. Born at Leith.
  • Baillie, William 18 - Service number 2504. Son of Mrs. Helen Brash Baillie, of 16, Mid St., Bathgate, West Lothian.
  • Ballantyne, John Williamson 21 - Service number 1139. Son of David Ballantyne; husband of Helen Shanks Ballantyne, of 100, Main St., Camelon, Falkirk. Born at Bathgate, West Lothian.
  • Barnet, Thomas W. - Service number 1350
  • Barnett, Thomas - Service number 2602
  • Barrett, William N. ??
  • Batey, Robert 18 - Service number 1852. Son of Edward and Christina Batey, of 22, Ryehill Gardens, Leith, Edinburgh.
  • Batten, Francis - Service number 1367
  • Baxter, Archibald Scott 46 - Service number 1811. Son of Alexander and Jemima Dickson Baxter; husband of Janet Campbell Baxter, of 89, Henderson St., Leith, Edinburgh.
  • Bell, Andrew - Service number 1003
  • Bird, Alfred James - Service number 1199
  • Bird, Peter - Service number 1026
  • Bissett, William Thomson 22 - Service number 2505. Son of John and Fanny Bisset, of 54, South St., Armadale, West Lothian.
  • Blair, James Allan. - Service number 1200
  • Blair, John - Service number 1272
  • Borthwick, Robert - Service number 1944
  • Bremner, George 50. - Service number 2053. Son of George and Alexanderina Bremner. Born at Edinburgh.
  • Brookshaw, Frederick - Service number 2328
  • Brown, Andrew 28 - Service number 2710. Son of Peter and Jemima Brown, of 6 Store Row, Wallyford, Musselburgh, Midlothian. Born at Wallyford, Midlothian.
  • Brown, James - Service number 2316
  • Bruce, Robert 22 - Service number 1673. Son of Henry Bruce
  • Brunton, Robert - Service number 1930
  • Burke, Robert Mowbray Douglas 18 - Service number 1848. Son of Robert and Isabel McGlashan Strachan Burke, of 20, Madeira St., Leith, Edinburgh. Born at Leith, Edinburgh.
  • Burnet, James - Service number 1130
  • Burnett, John 21 - Service number 1140. Son of Mrs. Annie McGlade Burnett, of 56, West Bowling Green St., Leith, Edinburgh.
  • Cairns, Henry S. - Service number 1408
  • Campbell, Andrew - Service number 1162
  • Carlin, Richard - Service number 481
  • Carter, John 23 - Service number 1862. Son of Samuel and Mary Carter, of 6, Vanburgh Place, Leith, Edinburgh. Born at Leith, Edinburgh.
  • Clark, Alexander 19 - Service number 1368. Son of Mary Clark, of 72, Castlegate, Jedburgh, Roxburghshire, and the late John Clark. Born at Leith, Edinburgh.
  • Clark, William - Service number 1486. Edinburgh Eastern Cemetery
  • Colville, Arthur Balfour. 24 - Service number 1440. Son of Andrew and Margaret Macpherson Colville.
  • Combe, Lister S. 17 - Service number 2405. Son of William and Catherine Combe, of 38, North Bridge St., Bathgate, West Lothian. Born at Bathgate, West Lothian.
  • Cranston, James 25 - Service number 2157. Son of James and Jessie Cranston, of 4, Fisher Wynd, Musselburgh, Midlothian; husband of Ellen Brown (formerly Cranston), of 4, Fisher Wynd, Musselburgh, Midlothian.
  • Cumming, John 17 - Service number 1567. Edinburgh (Piershill) Cemetery. Son of the late Peter and Jessie Manson Dallas. Born at Leith.
  • Cunningham, John - Service number 332
  • Dalgleish, George - Service number 2688
  • Dallas, Albert - Service number ?
  • Dick, James - Service number 568. Son of James Dick, of Leith, Edinburgh.
  • Dougherty, Thomas C. - Service number 1294
  • Duff, George - Service number 2227
  • Duff, Robert - Service number 2776
  • Dugdale, Robert C. 20 - Service number 2452. Son of Mr. and Mrs. William Dugdale, of 26, Newbigging, Musselburgh, Midlothian.
  • Edmond, Thomas 29 - Service number 1789. Son of Francis Edmond, of 18, Ryehill Place, Leith, Edinburgh; husband of Mary Dobson Edmond, of 37, Glover St., Leith, Edinburgh.
  • Falconer, John - Service number 1703
  • Finlayson, John - Service number 1790
  • Forrester, Joseph 19 - Service number 1206. Son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Forrester.
  • Fraser, Robert RRodger - Service number 2240
  • Frew, Daniel McNair 17 - Service number 1494. Son of William Frew, of 4, Starbank Rd., Leith, Edinburgh.
  • Fyfe, John - Service number 1008
  • Gaffney, Michael - Service number 1232
  • Garrie, George 20 - Service number 1328. Son of David and Ann Garrie, of 30, Thorntree St., Leith, Edinburgh. Born at Leith, Edinburgh.
  • Gibb, Robert 21 - Service number 1846. Son of Mr. and Mrs. John Gibb, of 148, Albert St., Edinburgh. Born at Leith, Edinburgh.
  • Glennie, Alexander - Service number 2216
  • Goodwin, John - Service number 1341
  • Grady, James 38 - Service number 1247. Husband of Marion Grady, of 46, High School Yards, Edinburgh.
  • Hadden, Sydney Alexander 20 - Service number 1290. Son of Elizabeth Anderson Hadden, of 3, Crown St., Leith, Edinburgh, and the late Elijah Hadden. Born at Leith, Edinburgh.
  • Hamilton, Archibald - Service number 1324
  • Hamilton, Thomas 18 - Service number 1273. Son of John and Margaret Hamilton, of 13, Halmyre St., Leith, Edinburgh. Born at Leith, Edinburgh.
  • Hampson, Percy - Service number 1752
  • Hannah, James F. - Service number 1781
  • Hannan, Willliam Heddle 17 - Service number 1497. Son of John and Elizabeth Hannan, of 10, Ashley Place, Leith, Edinburgh. Born at Leith, Edinburgh.
  • Hart, Hugh 20 - Service number 2413. Son of Charles and Catherine Hart, of 67, Lower Bathville, Armadale, West Lothian. Born at Armadale, West Lothian.
  • Hay, Robert - Service number 2186
  • Henry, John 20 - Service number 2551. Son of Thomas and Mary Henry, of 46, Tower St. Portobello, Midlothian. Born at Portobelio, Midlothian.
  • Henry, Lawrence 21 - Service number 1213. Son of Mrs. Joan Henry, of 69, North Fort St., Leith, Edinburgh.
  • Herd, James 24 - Service number 1866. Son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Herd, of 17, Waverley Park, Edinburgh. Born at Edinburgh.
  • Hogg, George 20 - Service number 1888. Son of Adam Hogg, of 20, Montrose Terrace, Edinburgh, and the late Margaret Hogg Born at Edinburgh.
  • Hollerin, James W. - Service number 2410
  • Houliston, George - Service number 1414
  • Hunter, Robert - Service number 1394
  • Johnston, George 28 - Service number 898.Son of J. A. Johnstone, of 228, Easter Rd., Leith, Edinburgh, and the late James Johnstone. Born at Leith, Edinburgh.
  • Keir, Andrew - Service number 1614
  • Kerr, Napoleon Bonaparte 21 - Service number 1184. Son of John and Margret Kerr, of 10, Parsons Green Terrace, Edinburgh. Born at Edinburgh.
  • King, Thomas Wright 18 - Service number 2720. Son of William and Janet King, of Colinswell Lodge, Burntisland, Fife. Born at Uphall, West Lothian.
  • Laing, Daniel - Service number 1507
  • Laing, William Hewitt 18 - Service number 1851. Son of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Laing, of 292, Easter Rd., Edinburgh. Born at Edinburgh.
  • Lang, John - Service number 1628
  • Little, Robert - Service number 1159
  • Love, William - Service number 1462
  • Lunny, George M. 19 - Service number 1492. Son of William H. and Catherine Lunny, of 53, Northfield Broadway, Piershill, Edinburgh.
  • Main, Charles - Service number 2219
  • Main, William 51 - Service number 927. Son of William Main; husband of Margaret Main, of 4, Pinkie Rd., Musselburgh, Midlothian. Served with the King's Own Scottish Borderers in the South African Campaign.
  • Marr, George 18 - Service number 2308. Son of J. B. and Catherine Marr, of 24, Main St., Bathgate, West Lothian. Born at Bathgate, West Lothian.
  • Mason, Archibald 19 - Service number 1292. Son of Catherine Mason, of 16, Salamander St., Leith, Edinburgh, and the late James Mason.
  • Mather, James 25 - Service number 1429. Son of Mrs. Mary Mather, of 11, Manderston St., Leith, Edinburgh. Born at Leith.
  • Maxwell, James 19 - Service number 1441. Son of Robert Maxwell, of 32, Bush St., Musselburgh, Midlothian.
  • May, John - Service number 1796
  • Melville, William - Service number 1830. Son of George Melville, of 11, Carlyle Place, Edinburgh.
  • Mighten, Walter 20 - Service number 2309. Son of William and Sarah Mighten, of 61, Westcraig Rd., Blackridge, West Lothian.
  • Moran, John - Service number 1997
  • Morgan, Edward Henderson 22 - Service number 1936. Son of Mrs. Morgan, of 35, Fox St., Leith, Edinburgh, and the late William Morgan. Born at Leith, Edinburgh.
  • Muir, George 22 - Service number 1943. Son of Thomas and Margaret Muir. Born at Deantown, Musselburgh, Midlothian.
  • Murray, Andrew 23 - Service number 1641. Son of John and Jane M. Murray, of 27, Clyde St., Edinburgh. Born at Edinburgh.
  • Murray, Thomas 21 - Service number 1584. Son of Robert Murray, of 6, Cunningham Place, Leith, Edinburgh. Born at Leith, Edinhurgh.
  • Murray, William - Service number 1520
  • Macaulay, George Douglas 22 - Service number 1392. Son of George and Margaret Macaulay, of 30, Tennant St., Leith, Edinburgh.
  • Macaulay, Henry Gray 24 - Service number 1239. Son of George and Margaret Dodds Gray Macaulay; husband of Elizabeth Archibald Hassan Macaulay, of I, Paterson Court, Barony St., Edinburgh.
  • McDiarmid, David 29 - Service number 2659. Son of Peter McDiarmid; husband of Sarah Renton Grant (formerly McDiarmid), of 28, Primrose St., Leith, Edinburgh. Born at Leith, Edinburgh.
  • McDiarmid, George Alexander - Service number 278
  • McDonald, Henry 22 - Service number 1965. Son of Margaret Macdonald, of 20, Dalmeny St., Leith, Edinburgh, and the late Henry Macdonald.
  • Macdonald, John - Service number 1731
  • McEwan, William 26 - Service number 1415. Husband of Mrs. McEwan, of 22, High School Yards, Edinburgh.
  • McIntyre, Alexander Brydon 21 - Service number 2101. Son of Robert Macintyre, of 27, South St., Musselburgh, Midlothian.
  • McKay, Alexander 18 - Service number 1599. Son of Elizabeth McKay, of 19, Balfour St., Leith, Edinburgh, and the late Thomas McKay.
  • McLaughlan, William - Service number 1774
  • MacNamara, Daniel - Service number 1688
  • Macpherson, Charles - Service number 2803
  • McSherry, James - Service number 512
  • McSorley, John - Service number 1896
  • Nairn, George 23 - Service number 978. Son of Clark Nairn and Christina Davidson Nairn, of 2, Anderson Place, Leith, Edinburgh. Born at Leith, Edinburgh.
  • Neilands, John - Service number 1104 - See "SHIELDS," the true family name.
  • Nicol, Alexander (Piper) 38 - Service number 1126. Son of William and Mary Nicol (nee Cockburn); husband of Elizabeth Tully Nicol, of 41, Rose St., Edinburgh. Born at Cramond.
  • Niven, William 22 - Service number 1517. Son of the late George and Emily Houston Niven. Born at Leith, Edinburgh.
  • Ormiston, Thomas 18 - Service number 1596. Son of John and Sarah Jane Ormiston, of 4, George St., Leith, Edinburgh.
  • Orr, Charles - Service number 1293. Son of Charles and Jane Orr, of 16, Salamander St., Leith, Edinburgh.
  • Park, William Forbes 20 - Service number 1582. Son of James and Margaret Park, of 42, Prince Albert Buildings, Edinburgh.
  • Paterson, William 21 - Service number 1248. Son of the late William and Catherine Paterson.
  • Paterson, William S Stothart 21 - Service number 1138. Son of the late James Paterson.
  • Peace, David 24 - Service number 536. Son of John W. Peace, of 20, North Junction St., Leith, Edinburgh. Born at Leith, Edinburgh.
  • Pettigrew, William 18 - Service number 2794. Son of William and Mary Pettigrew, of 74, Beedes St., Airdrie.
  • Ponton, Alexander 18 - Service number 1451. Son of Mrs. Jane Houston Ponton of 89, Horcus Loan, Musselburgh, Midlothian.
  • Porteous, Donald 18 - Service number 2774. Son of Alexander and Mary Porteous, of 8, Jeffrey St., Edinburgh.
  • Purves, James 22 - Service number 1736. Inveresk Parish Churchyard. Son of George and Margaret Purves, of 190, New St., Musselburgh, Midlothian.
  • Ramsay, Robert - Service number 989
  • Renwick, Robert Duncan 29 - Service number 1378. Son of William and Minnie Claydon Renwick of I, Milnes Court, Lawnmarket, Edinburgh. Born at Edinburgh.
  • Ritchie, David - Service number 376. Husband of Elizabeth Ann Ritchie, of 17, Burlington St., Leith, Edinburgh.
  • Ritchie, Peter - Service number 2817
  • Robertson, David 20 - Service number 1144. Son of Peter and Christina Robertson, of 117, Firpark St., Dennistoun, Glasgow. Born at Edinburgh.
  • Robertson, James - Service number 2460
  • Ross, Duncan 19 - Service number 1795. Son of John and Margaret Ross, of 9, Earl Haig's Gardens, Trinity, Leith, Edinburgh. Born at Edinburgh.
  • Schumacher, George 17 - Service number 1566. Son of John and Isabella Schumacher, of 74, Elm Row, Edinburgh. Born at Edinburgh.
  • Scott, Duncan - Service number 2155
  • Scott, James - Service number 1694
  • Scott, William - Service number 1423
  • Shields, Patrick - Service number 1104 (Served as Neilands)
  • Sime, Robert Hill 21 - Service number 1388. Son of Robert H. and Janet A. Sime, of 40 Dalmeny St., Leith, Edinburgh.
  • Simpson, George 25 - Service number 354. Son of George and Nellie Simpson, of 134, Albert St., Edinburgh Born at Gibraltar.
  • Singer, Thomas - Service number 2367. Husband of the late Margaret O'Neil Singer. Born at Musselburgh, Midlothian.
  • Skidmore, William - Service number 1683
  • Smart, Robert Pringle 19 - Service number 1624. Son of Mr. and Mrs. William Smart, of 3, Goff Avenue, Craigintinny, Edinhurgh. Born at Leith, Edinburgh.
  • Smeaton, George (Piper) 28 - Service number 306. Son of Frank and Jean Smeaton; husband of Agnes Nicolson Smeaton, of 13, Earlston Place, London Rd., Edinburgh. Born at Edinburgh.
  • Smith, John - Service number 1844
  • Smith, Peter 17 - Service number 1634. Son of John and Margaret Smith, of 9, Trafalgar St., Leith, Edinburgh. Born at Leith, Edinburgh.
  • Smith, Thomas 20 - Service number 1667. Son of James Andrew and Mary F. Smith, of 4, Ferrier St., Leith, Edinburgh. Born at Leith, Edinburgh.
  • Spence, Archibald 18 - Service number 1654. Son of the late Archibald Spence.
  • Stevenson, Robert 17 - Service number 1495. Son of Robert and Margaret Stevenson, of 26, Prince Regent St., Leith, Edinburgh. Born at Leith, Edinburgh.
  • Stewart, James 17 - Service number 1541. Son of John and Isabella Stewart, of 3, Restalrig Avenue, Edinburgh. Born at Edinburgh.
  • Stewart, John 22 - Service number 1956. Inveresk Parish Churchyard. Son of James and Jane Stewart, of 15, Inveresk Rd., Musselburgh, Midlothian. His brother Walter also fell.
  • Stewart, William 22 - Service number 1679. Son of James and Elizabeth Stewart, of "Rosemount," Mid St., Bathgate, West Lothian Born at Bathgate, West Lothian.
  • Summers, Arthur George 17 - Service number1845. Son of George and Mary A. Summers, of 17, Halmyre St., Leith, Edinburgh. Born at Windsor.
  • Suttie, John - Service number 1220
  • Swan, Robert - Service number 1531
  • Symons, James - Service number 1791
  • Thomson, Adam Smith 20 - Service number 1312. Son of George Thomson, of 48, North Fort St., Leith, Edinburgh.
  • Tinlin, William - Service number 1933
  • Tinsdale, James - Service number 1836
  • Turnbull, Adam S. - Service number 1737
  • Vass, John 24 - Service number 2140. Son of George and Janet Todd Vass, of 3, old Craighall, Musselburgh, Midlothian.
  • Walker, Robert 17 - Service number 1962. Son of Mrs. Sarah Walker, of Musselburgh, Midlothian. Born at Edinburgh.
  • West, William Turnbull 18 - Service number 1598. Son of Percy and Caroline West, of 174, Albert St., Leith, Edinburgh. Born at Perth.
  • White, George- Service number
  • White, Robert 18 - Service number 1496. Son of William and Margaret White, of 50, West Bowling Green St., Leith, Edinburgh. Born at Duddingston Mains, Portobello, Edinburgh.
  • Wightman, Daniel - Service number 1652
  • Wilkie, Robert - Service number 1736. St. Ninians (Bannockburn) Parish Burial Ground. Husband of C. Wilkie, of 8, Govanhill St., Partick, Glasgow.
  • Williamson, Andrew - Service number 2450
  • Williamson, Thomas - Service number 1981
  • Williamson, William 19 - Service number 1827. Son of John and Isabella Williamson, of 42, Lockend Rd., Musselburgh, Midlothian.
  • Wilson, George 19 - Service number 1275. Son of James and Mary Wilson, of 66, Albert St., Edinburgh. Born at Edinburgh.
  • Wilson, Thomas Inglis 21 - Service number 1279. Son of Agnes Inglis Wilson, of II, Laurie St., Leith, Edinburgh, and the late David Wilson. Born at Leith, Edinburgh.
  • Young, Andrew 21 - Service number 1300. Newbattle Old Cemetery. Son of Andrew Young, of 17, Links Place, Musselburgh, Midlothian. Born in Lanarkshire.

8th H.L.I (Attached)

  • Cook, James 27 - Service number 7980. Son of John and Mary Watson Cook, of Ramsay Place, Leadhills, Lanarkshire. Born at Leadhills, Lanarkshire.s
  • Leckie, Robert 26 - Service number 7921. Son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Leckie, of Boglea View, Greengairs, Airdrie, Lanarkshire. Born at Righead, New Monkland.


  • Herbert Henry Ford
  • James MacDonald
  • Lieutenant Commander Charles Head RN HMS Vernon
  • Assistant Paymaster William Paton RNR RN Division
  • Captain Robert Scott Findlay 9th A&SH
  • Lieutenant James Bonnar 9th A&SH
  • Lieutenant John Jackson 9th A&SH


  • Mrs Rachel Nimmo
  • Master Dickson Nimmo


  • Driver Francis Scott
  • Fireman James Hannah


  • Attendant Samuel Stephen Dyer
