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  • Alexander III Alexandrovich Romanov, Emperor and Autocrat of All the Russias (1845 - 1894)
    Alexander III Alexandrovich (Russian: Александр III Александрович, Aleksandr III Aleksandrovich)*Royal House: Holstein-Gottorp-Romanov*Married: Maria Feodorovna (Dagmar of Denmark)==Links:==* The Peera...
  • Aleksander I Pavlovich Romanov, Emperor and Autocrat of All the Russias (1777 - 1825)
    Alexander I of Russia (Russian: Александр I Павлович), also known as Alexander the Blessed (Russian: Александр Благословенный).==Links:==* The Peerage * Geneall * Johann the Younger #806 * Wikipedia * ...
  • Charlotte Henriette Sophie Jansen (1844 - 1915)
    Tsari Alexander II:lla oli avioliittonsa aikana monia rakastajattaria, ja hän sai myös aviottomia lapsia. Yksi heistä oli Charlotte Henriette Sophie Jansen (15. marraskuuta 1844-heinäkuu 1915). Hänen ä...
  • Nicholas I of Russia (1796 - 1855)
    Y-DNA: R1b Links: The Peerage Geneall Holbek Johan the Younger #813 Wikiwand Wikipedia: Deutsch , English , Русский
  • Alexander II of Russia (1818 - 1881)
    Aleksandr II Romanov of Russia, Tsar of all the Russian ==Links:==* The Peerage * Geneall * Johann the Younger # 1144 + # 1378 * Wikipedia

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