Old Rosemere Cemetery: On July 23, 1869, the City of Opelika purchased ten acres of land for a cemetery from Dr. A.B. Bennett for $100 an acre. On November 23, 1869, he accepted his choice of a lot in exchange for the debt. The earliest marked grave is dated September 25, 1854, for Nelson Clayton, the four year old son of H.D. & V.V. Clayton. This grave was moved from the Clayton plantation. 34 grave markers have death dates prior to 1869, and all of these burials were moved here. The first internment may be James DeVane who died on August 17, 1869. His burial is located just inside the gates.The Genealogical Society of East Alabama canvassed Rosemere from November 1999 to November 2002 to reestablish lost burial records. The Society gave the paper records they created to the City of Opelika. This triangular area of the cemetery is the original portion. There are 64 blocks including 9 partial blocks. A full block is 80 ft square with spaces for 128 graves. The Ladies Memorial Association tended and beautified the original cemetery. In February 1916, the City built the Cemetery House as a restroom and shelter for the Ladies. Also in 1916,
Unknown Confederate Soldiers are honored in Block 11. In 1899, the United Daughters of the Confederacy erected marble headstones with the inscription "Unknown CSA." These markers were later replaced with the 14 stamped crosses that now stand here. Block 12 in Rosemere is called "Baby Land." Most of these babies died at birth or only lived a day or two. The city did not collect fees for burials in Block 12. Only a few of these graves were ever marked with inscribed stones. The longest epitaph is the account of a drowning of Berry and Olivia Edwards in 1865. Their father, Loxia Edwards, served as Opelika's mayor. Over 200 veterans are interred in this section of Rosemere. They include veterans of the Indian, Civil, and Spanish American Wars, WWI, WWII, Korea, and Vietnam. Resting here are 97 National, State, County, and City elected officials including Congressmen, a Governor, Legislators, Judges, Sheriffs, Commissioners, a District Attorney, Mayors, Aldermen and Councilmen.
Listed in the Alabama Historic Cemetery Register, June 14, 2011
African-American Section: On February 9, 1876, the City of Opelika paid D.B. Preston $80 for two acres of land to establish an African-American section of Rosemere Cemetery. This rectangular area of the cemetery contains 176 blocks, with 16 being partial blocks. A full block has 32 grave spaces. Dr. John Wesley Darden (1876-1949) settled in Opelika in 1903. He became the first African-American doctor within a 30 mile radius. He married Miss Maude Jean Logan. After they were married, Dr. and Mrs. Darden made house calls in his horse and buggy. Dr. Darden opened a drug store on Avenue A and recruited his brother, John Benjamin "J.B." Darden, as his partner. J.B. had recently graduated and was a registered pharmacist. Two other doctors are also buried here: Dr. William F. Clark (1882-1966) and Dr. Eugene A. Lindsey (1888-1955).
Willie Bessie Brady (1904-1999), known as Miss Bessie, taught in a private, one room school. Although without a college education, she taught grades one through twelve. After school attendance laws were enacted, Miss Bessie had to close her school, but because of overcrowding at the public school, she was later allowed to teach with a V Certificate. She taught Kindergarten at the first public Kindergarten for African-American children at the Central Parks and Recreation center in Opelika. Elder Brooks, Sr. (1908-1970) was the first African-American licensed plumber and electrician in Opelika. He was also among the first African Americans to vote. More than 50 veterans are buried in this section. They include veterans of WWI, WWII, Korea, and Vietnam. Seven Ministers of the Gospel who guided the community are at rest here.
Erected 2013 by the City of Opelika.