Slag van Twee Riviere -28 November 1899 
Battle of Modder River -28 November 1899 
The Battle of Modder River (known in Afrikaans as Slag van die Twee Riviere, which translates as "Battle of the two rivers") was an engagement in the Boer War, fought at Modder River, on 28 November 1899. A British column under Lord Methuen, that was attempting to relieve the besieged town of Kimberley, forced Boers under General Piet Cronje to retreat to Magersfontein, but suffered heavy casualties themselves.
As the British troops came within 1,200 yards (1,100 m) of the river, Methuen remarked to Colville, "They're not here." Colville replied, "They're sitting uncommonly tight if they are".[4] At this point the Boers opened fire. Most of the British troops were forced to throw themselves flat. Some tried to advance in short rushes, but could find no cover on the veld. Few British troops got closer than 1,000 yards (910 m) to the Boers. The Guards tried to outflank the Boer left, but were unable to ford the Riet River. The British guns pounded the buildings near Modder River Station and the line of poplar trees which marked the north bank of the Modder, and entirely missed the enemy trenches on the south bank. Meanwhile, the Boer guns maintained a galling fire, and kept in action by repeatedly moving their positions.
The battle became a day-long stalemate. Most of the British infantry lay prone on the veld, tortured by heat and thirst, but safe from enemy fire unless they moved. Many stoically smoked pipes or even slept. Methuen galloped about the field trying to renew the advance, and was himself wounded. At midday, some of Pole-Carew's 9th Brigade found the open Boer right flank at Rosmead drift (ford) downstream. British infantry infiltrated across the ford and about 1:00 pm drove the Boers out of Rosmead.[5] The attack was disjointed, and suffered casualties when a British field artillery battery (62nd) which had just arrived on the field shelled them by mistake. By nightfall, De la Rey had driven them back into a small insecure bridgehead.
Nevertheless, the Boers feared that they were now vulnerable to being outflanked, and withdrew during the night.
Date: 28 November 1899
Location: Modder River, Cape Colony
Result: British victory
Casualties and losses
United Kingdom: 72 killed, 372 wounded, 7 missing
South African Republic: 75 killed and wounded.
Die doel van die projek is om soveel moontlik profiele wat gesneuwel het tydens die Slag van Modderrivier , by te voeg.
The purpose of this projects is to add as many profiles possible of people who died at the battle of Modder River
- Johannes Cornelius Coetzee 1878-1899 (TAB MHG O/16881)
- Adriaan Johannes Gysbertus de la Rey 1880-1899
- Diederik Albert Willem Dauth 1871-1899 (TAB MHG O/17050)
- Carel Hendrik Dauth 1862-1899 (TAB MHG O/16971)
- Johan Martin Enslin 1882 - 1899 (VAB MHG E369)
- Lourens Francois Erasmus 1869-1899 (VAB MHG E371)
- Andries Johannes Erwee circa 1867 -1899
- Jan Jacobus Wessels ? -1899 (VAB MHG O/16812)