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  • Lin Yutang 林語堂 (1895 - 1976)
  • Y.K. Yang 楊元愷 (deceased)
    楊潔則繼承父親楊元愷(30年約大畢業的叔鼎長子,42年和葛氏離婚後再娶表妹任輝)的體育細胞成電影《女藍五號》主角原型的國家藍球隊運動員 楊元愷是聖約翰大學的學生,喜歡打籃球(這也是楊叔鼎的愛好),是校籃球隊的高手。我在聖約翰大學1927年的年刊裡,找到了他得以結緣葛璐茜的原因——葛璐茜的哥哥葛宗超,是楊元愷的聖約翰同學。他們的關係非常好,不僅是同學,還是室友。葛宗超1927年結婚,楊元愷還是...
  • Yang Yuan-loong 楊元龍 (1924 - 2007)
    自美國取得紡織碩士的Margie老豆楊元龍(YL Yang,1924-2007,上圖左一)最初幫聯業李家打工及和前述劉漢棟(查濟民妻舅)及程福𨭎(呂志和親家及李耀祥女婿)等留美好友合營裕泰針織(Unitex),後在78年創立溢達集團(Esquel Group)成製衣大王及在北京投資香山飯店,雖然後來造馬案罪成但對早年香港紡織品貿易談判功不可沒,而Margie和嫁彤叔侄兒鄭劍鳴(Arthur Chen...
  • Francis Lister Hawks Pott (1864 - 1947)
    Francis Lister Hawks Pott (Chinese: 卜舫濟; February 22, 1864 – March 7, 1947) was an American Episcopal missionary and educator in China. He served as President of St. John's College (later renamed St....
  • "Yu Hung-Chun". Wikipedia, 2020. Web: Accessed 21 July 2020.
    O. K. Yui 兪鴻鈞 (1898 - 1960)
    Yu Hung-chun or O.K. Yui was a Chinese politician who served as mayor of Shanghai, chairman of the Taiwan Provincial Government and Premier of the Republic of China. Resources "Reports of Activitie...