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Suicide in response to Nazi oppression

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  • Dr. med. dent. Emil Hermann Jakob Fridberg (1884 - 1938)
    Stolperstein, brief bio: Heirat_1912: Divorced 1926 Heirat_1926: Sterbe:
  • Simon Scheyer (1871 - 1934)
    Sterbe: Bundesarchiv Gedenkbuch: Scheyer, Simon born on the 22nd August 1871 residing in Berlin (Mitte) Date of death 07th February 1934 Freitod
  • Kaethe Hirsch (1894 - 1942)
    Geburt: Sterbe:
  • Martin Levy (1883 - 1941)
    May 1939 at Rostock address, with wife + 2 children: Wife died Nov 1939 (natural causes), he committed suicide, one child deported and perished, one child emigrated to Australia (kindertransport). S...
  • Rosa Nathansohn (1874 - 1942)

Rather than face deportation and murder, a number of victims of Nazi oppression committed suicide. For example, in the wake of Germany's annexation of Austria, hundreds of Jews took their own lives. Today this final act of desperation is seen as an act of resistance, of an attempt at some sort of self-determination by the victims of Nazi oppression. This project seeks to collect the profiles of those who took their own lives, rather than allow the Nazis to murder them.