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This is a country portal project, which is intended as a resource for users from a particular country. It may contain advice on how best to use Geni within your country, such as profile naming conventions, translation instructions, where to find genealogy resources, and more. You may join the project to contribute, or follow it if you only want to receive notifications of new discussions. Note that profiles cannot be added to country portal projects.

This project is a general purpose Portal for Taiwan users. See also separate portals for China and Hong Kong. If you need help, start a discussion within this project. Some basics can be found on the online forum at Siyi Chinese genealogy, and House of Chinn.

For the new system for Chinese names on Geni, see the Geni Guide to Chinese Names project.
For instructions on how to use Geni, refer to the Geni Help Portal

This project is a general purpose Portal for Taiwanese users. See also separate portals for China and Hong Kong. If you need help, start a discussion within this project. Some basics can be found on the online forum at Siyi Chinese genealogy, and House of Chinn.

For the new system for Chinese names on Geni, see the Geni Guide to Chinese Names project.