The Children's Friend Society Ships
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Ship No. 2
Departed London 1\4\1833 Arrived Port Elizabeth 6\7\1833 Captain Burton:
[Listed in this order - Apprentice, in what capacity to Master]
Master South African List are marked ✔
- Thomas Andrews as Servant to Mr.Rafferty Master of Graham's Town, Saddler. ✔
- Edward Bird as a Bricklayer to Mr. King Master of Graham's Town, Bricklayer ✔
- Daniel Curtain as Butcher to Mr. Lea Master of Graham's Town, Butcher ✔
- Henry Dixon as a Servant to Mr.Dyerson Master of Graham's Town, Postmaster ✔
- William Dixon as a Servant to Mr. H. Maynard Master of Graham's Town, Shipowner ✔
- James Flannagan as a Farm Servant to Mr. Cummings, 18 Miles From Town, Farmer ✔
- William Groom as a Servant to Mr. Meaurant Master of Graham's Town; Printer ✔
- George Hanson as a Store Servant to Mr.Nordon, Master of Graham's Town, Storekeeper ✔
- Joseph Jennaway as Carpenter on Farm to Mr.Griffiths, a Farmer ✔
- Benj. Kennedy as a Store & House Servant to Mr. Shepherd Master of Graham's Town, Tallow Chandler ✔
- William Mason as a Servant to Mr. Reads Master of Graham's Town, Watchmaker ✔
- George Miller as a Smith to Mr. Oglesby Master of Graham's Town, Blacksmith ✔
- Henry Miller as a Waiter to Mrs. Waith Master of Graham's Town, Billiard Rooms ✔
- James Morris as a Store Servant to Mr. Hawes, Master of Graham's Town, Storekeeper ✔
- George Pearson as a Servant to Mr. Mahoney Master of Graham's Town, Carpenter ✔
- James Stevens as a Servant to Mr.Kidson Master of Graham's Town Market Master ✔
- William Whealin as House Servant to Dr. Atherstone Master of Graham's Town ✔
- William Wiles as a Waiter to Mr. Handy Master of Graham's Town, Tavern Keeper and Carpenter ✔
- Thomas Willet ✔
- Edward Williams as Store & House Servant to Mr. Nordon Master of Graham's Town, Storekeeper ✔
Reference - http://archiver.rootsweb.ancestry.com/th/read/SOUTH-AFRICA/2001-05/...
Additional Reference The Children's Friend Society - Juvenile Emigrants to Western Australia, South Africa and Canada 1834 - 1842 by Geoff Blackburn. This book can be obtained from Access Press, P.O. Box 132, Northbridge, Western Australia.