This Project is a Family Name Project on Geni. The origin of the name PAPO may be Jewish but this Project is for any and all people with the name PAPO.
A person or a grampa or grandfather nicknamed or called Papo does not belong in this Project.
A Geni user may access a list of PAPO profiles by going up top here on this page and pull down the small black carrot in "Search People" to "Surnames" and enter Papo. The resulting list is NOT searchable. A searchable list may be accessed by entering PAPO in the "search people" box and then "show advanced controls".
'From 1785 to these days, the Papo recognized themselves through their link to Eliezer Papo, rabbi of the community of Silestra in Bulgaria, famous for writing the Pele Yoetz, a work of musar (ethical) literature which advises on how to behave as a Jew in many aspects of life.
Attached is the main tree for the Papo family which includes the Pele Yoetz
Who are the Papo, where they have been ?... Which road have they followed from SIlistra to Jerusalem, from Cairo to Leopoldville (Belgian Congo) and back to Tel Aviv? Did they went in the footsteps of the "Tzadik" ?
Please note that a few branches of the Papo family lived for some decades in Ruse Bulgaria - they arrived from Sarajevo.
Here you can find an article about the surname
Anyone who recognize his bond to this family is welcome to add from its own stories and knowledge...