This is umbrella project for information about lineage societies.
"A lineage society is an organization created to honor a specific heritage or event. Members of lineage societies must prove their descent of that heritage or event through industry approved genealogical proof standards."
Lineage Society of America [http://lineagesocietyofamerica.com/] "Our goal is bring Main Street America into the fascinating world of family history research. We provide robust genealogy tools, a caring community of fellowship, and a pathway to authenticate, preserve and honor your unique family ancestors by the successful admission into lineage societies.”
Brian Britton French, LSA Founder
Blog:: Why Do I Want to Join a Lineage Society? [http://astepinline.blogspot.com/2011/10/why-do-i-want-to-join-linea...]
List of Lineage Societies [http://lineagesocietyofamerica.com/societies-for-men-and-women.html]
Daughters of the American Revolution [http://www.dar.org/]
Sons of American Revolution [https://www.sar.org/]
The General Society of Mayflower Descendants (GSMD) aka Mayflower Soceity [https://www.themayflowersociety.org/]
"Anyone who arrived in Plymouth as a passenger on the Mayflower is considered a Pilgrim, with no distinction being made on the basis of their original purposes for making the voyage. Proven lineage from a passenger, approved by a Historian General, qualifies one to be a member of the General Society of Mayflower Descendants."
National Society Sons of Colonial New England [http://www.nsscne.org/index.html] "The society is open to any gentleman of 18 years of age or more, who can prove lineal descent from a person born, prior to July 4, 1776, in any of the New England colonies."
The National Society of Washington Family Descendants [http://washingtonfamilydescendants.org/] Eligibility for membership in the Society is open to persons who can prove their lawful lineal descent from one of the following ancestors of General George Washington who lived in Colonial America between 1607 and 1732 --- Colonel John Washington; Nathaniel Pope; Nicholas Martiau; George Reade; Augustine Warner, Sr.; Colonel William Ball; Mary Johnson Ball Hewes"
"The aforesaid membership shall also be open to the lawful lineal descendants of Lawrence Washington, the brother of Colonel John Washington the immigrant."
Presidential Families of America [http://presidentialfamilies.org/] "Presidential Families of America is a lineage society comprised of members who share direct or collateral kinship with one or more Presidents of the United States. Founded in 1995, it is a non-profit corporation recognized as a 501(c)(3) charitable organization"
Descendants of Early Quakers [http://www.earlyquakers.org/] "Men, Women and children who establish descent, either lineal or collateral, from an early member of the Society of Friends (1835 or before), throughout the world, shall be eligible for membership. Junior members are eligible from birth to age 25 years."
Sons of Confederate Veterans [http://www.scv.org/] "Membership in the Sons of Confederate Veterans is open to all male descendants of any veteran who served honorably in the Confederate armed forces. Membership can be obtained through either lineal or collateral family lines and kinship to a veteran must be documented genealogically. The minimum age for full membership is 12, but there is no minimum for Cadet membership."
United Daughters of the Confederacy [http://www.hqudc.org/] "Those eligible for membership are women at least 16 years of age who are lineal or collateral blood descendants of men and women who served honorably in the Army, Navy, or Civil Service of the Confederate States of America, or who gave Material Aid to the Cause. Women who were adopted are eligible only through the bloodline of the biological parent. Also eligible are those women who are lineal or collateral blood descendants of members or former members of UDC."
"No Confederate ancestor who took the Oath of Allegiance before April 9, 1865, shall be eligible to be used for application for membership. If proof of further Confederate service is available, thereby nullifying the Oath of Allegiance, the ancestor shall be considered for approval."
Society of Sons & Daughters of World War II Veterans [http://www.pacificwarmuseum.org/get-involved/sons-daughters/about-s...] "A genealogical society for descendants, relatives and friends of World War II veterans."
The Winthrop Society [http://winthropsociety.com/] "The Winthrop Society gladly extends membership to all men and women of good character and proven descent from one or more passengers of the Winthrop fleet, or of others who settled in the Bay Colony and down east before 1636."