Start My Family Tree Welcome to Geni, home of the world's largest family tree.
Join Geni to explore your genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.

User Tutorial - Basic Techniques 2. Actions



Profile and Tree View

... explained.

// symbol in the Merge tutorial projects links to this project.

In other instances this draws attention to a basic tip which is useful in other Geni activities.


Two of the Menus available are covered in this project. There are a further two under Family and Research will be explained in further Projects

// - Profile// - Tree side panel

Note - some actions in the images above are Curator Tools not available to everyone.

The purpose of this project is to explain how to access and use the two Action menus available on Geni.

The following are related projects where these tools come into play.


See also


Getting Involved

Feel free to follow, request to collaborate


TIP When communicating with other users please include the link address (URL/www) to the profile you are referring to. This is found at the top left of the computer screen. The following is the link address to the Merge Centre project - it changes for every page you are viewing.

// Address location



1. Profile Page - Actions

A. Historical Profiles


Send a Gift in Memory
Manager Options
Ancestor Report
Descendant Report
Merge This Profile
Resolve Conflicting Data
View Nearby Merge Issues
View Nearby Inconsistencies
View Claimed Family
Fix Duplicate Partners
Add to Project

B.Claimed Profiles

Send a Gift
Add to Family Group
Request to Collaborate
Block this User
Invite to Project
Also - scroll down the page for Guestbook

C. Profile Page - Other Actions

// Follow
Matches Dedicated project
Research this Person
Contact Profile Managers
View Tree
Edit Profile
From the Profile image square Add Photo (when none is already) there OR Edit Photo

2. Tree View - Actions



  • View Profile
  • Add Photo
  • Delete
  • Move Profile - See section M2-iii at User Tutorial - Merge Guide
  • Add to Projects
  • Add Sources
  • Resolve Duplicates

// Profile Page - Actions


Historical Profiles



Send a Gift in Memory

You can place a memorial gift on an ancestor's profile page. Under the options menu select "Send a Gift in Memory" to open up the page illustrated below. You can type a message into the edit box - you cannot add formatting or other images to the message. Use the L - R arrows to see the choice of images available, and click on the one you want to use. Press continue to place the message and chosen image on the profile page


There is a Send a gift (living profiles) or Send a gift in Memory (deceased profiles) option available on all profiles within your Family Group - up to 3rd Great Grandfather or according to your settings, where you can share anecdotes etc. The window opened is the same as above. There is no formatting available in this window.

This is in addition to the formattable "About" section there is a Memories" window where notes and images can be added. Scroll down beyond the "About" and "Immediate Family" sections


Manager Options

// can add managers or remove yourself as a manager of a profile. Clicking the Manager Options link will open a window reflecting your status on the profile.

Where you ARE a manager

Removing a manager

You can remove unrelated managers from your close relatives (third great grandparents/fourth cousins and closer) by clicking on the "X" next to their name. You can only remove a manager from a profile if you see the "X" in the Manager Options window.


In the above list of managers of my 3xGreat Grandfather two were some users who were no longer active and they were removed.

Adding a manager


Clicking on "Add a Manager" in the above window opens the following -


Fill in the name of the person you wish to add in the "New Manager" field, or add the ID number of that person. You can make that person the primary manager in this window. Add a message, perhaps explaining why you are sending the request, in the text box provided. When you click "Add manager" that person will be notified of your request. You can only add one name at a time - repeat the procedure for each new manager you wish to add.

TIP - In the URL/address line of your browser the bold number is my unique identifying number. 4560155096930045739. Every profile has this number.

Relinquishing Management

If you no longer wish to be a manager on a profile you can remove yourself by clicking the "X" alongside your name in the Management options window. It is always there if you are a manager on a profile. You are asked to confirm the request. If you are a PRIMARY manager, (i.e. listed first in the list of managers), and there are other managers on the profile you need to select which of the other managers you would like to take over as primary manager. Relinquishing management means that you will no longer manage the privacy or receive requests for the profile.


If you are the only manager on a profile and no longer wish to manage it then activating the "X" alongside your name results in a similar window to the above (see below), but as there are no managers to choose a replacement from, the New Manager field is one you can link to another user by either writing their name or using their ID number (as previously explained above). If you are NOT the PRIMARY manager on the profile clicking the "X" asks you for confirmation before removing you as manager.


Transferring Management

You can transfer the primary management to another user in the window above under "add manager" - type in the name or ID of the user you wish to add, and then check the box to make them the primary manager. You can transfer management to an existing co-manager as described above in relinquishing management - this way you are no longer a manager on the profile.

Where you ARE NOT a manager

Requesting Management

If you are not a manager of a profile and would like to be you can request management by opening the "Manager Options" link. Once you click the request button the manager(s) of the profile will be sent a request to add you as a manager. Once one of them accepts the request you will be listed in the "Managed by:" on the profile page. This means that you will receive notifications relating to that profile.

Note - you do not need management to edit public profiles - Geni Pro subscribers have full permission to add on to, edit, and merge profiles in the historical parts of the tree.



// Import GEDCOM
See - Geni Help Page

Ancestor Report and Descendant Report

Geni introduced Ancestor and Descendant Reports for your family tree in June 2016. These enable you to view a compact list of a profile’s ancestors or descendants up to 20 generations, which you can export as a PDF saved to your computer, from where you can print or share it with a friend or relative.

// report

You can add a profile ID to the end of the URL to get someone else's ancestors - (plus the profile ID).

Passing the cursor over any entry for a while in the reports reveals the "hovercard" for that entry. Each entry is linked to that profile.

// Report

Extensive notes are available at Geni Blog - Ancestor and Descendant Reports


Merge This Profile

// User Tutorial - Merge Guide
M3. Merge this Person - from a Profile Page


Resolve Conflicting Data and View Nearby Merge Issues


Resolve Conflicting Data is only present when there are some preset

See User Tutorial - Data Conflicts DC2. View conflicts which are outstanding on a profile.


View Nearby Inconsistencies

// the following Geni help topics -

... and others at Inconsistencies.


Hunt Zombies

// Curator Tool A "zombie" is a profile of a deceased person that is incorrectly marked as living. The purpose of this thread is to help get "zombies" marked deceased. Curators are generally able to mark deceased any profile on Geni that is incorrectly marked as living if the profile was not a Geni user. If the profile was born more than 150 years ago, curators can generally also mark the profile public.

You can request help at this Zombies discussion

See What is a Zombie

and How do I report a profile as Deceased?


View Claimed Family


Clicking on the "View Claimed Family" link on a profile page opens a window where the list of the people in that person's family tree are shown with that person's name in the "Focus Person" field.

To the right of each entry is a "mini-menu" under Actions where you can carry out a number of actions depending on your edit rights and relationship with that profile. For the purpose of this illustration all possible options are shown here - these will not be available on all profiles in the list. If the profile is one that you manage you may also have the option to make the profile private or public.

In the case of claimed profiles there is the option to send them a message.

It is also possible to change the group of profiles in the list by using the drop down menu under "Groups".


Add to Project

// A profile can be linked to a project in two ways - from within the profile page and at the project.

Adding a profile to a project from the Profile Page

If there are no projects linked to the profile the following notice will be visible to the middle right section of the overview tab.
If the profile has already been added to projects the first 6 will be displayed in that place. To view a full list you need to click "view all 25" - as in the case of Helen Keller's profile page. All projects will then be displayed on the profile page. linked to Helen Keller

// When the profile is already linked to a project you will need to use the link in the Actions panel (see red ring in image above) to add further projects. Typing a key word in the "find a project" field to choose a project to link a profile to will throw up a number of profile where that word is included in the Profile name. For example typing in "wilts" gave me a selection of 10 projects to choose from.

Note: You can only add a profile to a project where you are a collaborator. Only those projects are available to be selected from. I selected "People Connected to Wiltshire" as that was where Martha was born, and Yorkshire as that was where she died.

To Remove a person from a project click on the "X" alongside the project in the following window which displays which projects she has been connected to.


// the profile overview page the projects selected will be displayed in place of the "There are currently no profiles tagged with Sarah Ann Smith"

Adding a Profile to a project from the Project page.

// On the project page open the "actions"' menu (top right of the page), and click "Add profiles"

Type the name or profile ID into the box and press "Add Profiles". You can add more than one profile to the project at a time. You can remove the profile from the project from the profile page as explained above, or from the profile page. On the Project page scroll down until you see "Profiles with "view all" alongside. //
Click "view all to see a list of all profiles linked to the project. At the top of the list is the entry for Martha -

Clicking n the "red cross - Remove from project" link will remove her from the project.



Historical profiles may be reported for the following reasons by clicking “Actions” on the profile page and selecting “Report.” You need to include a brief comment in your report.

See What are the reasons for reporting a profile, image / document, project, etc? Geni Customer Support.

  • Claimed Historical Profile
  • Fake Profile
  • Spam
  • Privacy
  • Vandalism

You may report a profile as a Abandoned Tree by clicking “Actions” on the profile page and select Abandoned Tree. The option to report a profile as abandoned will only appear if the user has not logged into their account in the past 9 months.



Claimed Profiles


// menu on Claimed Profiles

The Actions menu on Claimed profiles is different from that seen on deceased persons' profiles. Some actions are are common to both Historical and Claimed profiles - where they differ for claimed profiles these are featured below.

A claimed profile is a profile for a person who has been invited to join Geni and has accepted the invitation. Once a profile has been claimed no one else can edit or delete that profile.


Send a Gift

The option to send a gift is only available on the pages of claimed profiles on an anniversary date. When you send one (following the same procedure as in "Sending a Gift in Memory" above), it will be displayed in their Guestbook.


... not under actions - scroll down the Profile page under "Immediate family" gallery.

There is a Guestbook window available on all claimed profiles where you can send a message to the person. There is no formatting available in this window. This is in addition to the formattable "About" section where notes and images can be added (if in your Family Group).


Add to Family Group Your Family Group (as defined by your account's 'family group' settings, default 4th cousins and closer), consists of the relatives that you want to stay in touch with. This is the group that you will share your Tree, family news, photo albums, and birthdays with. Your Family Group members may also edit private profiles you manage, both living and deceased. Once you accept a Family Group request you will then receive reminders and updates for that person.

Adding a person to your Family Group allows them to see private profiles that you manage - this may not be appreciated by close family members - it is also their privacy which is being revealed.

All living profiles (those that are unclaimed and not Master Profiles) are private by default and are not searchable on Google. They may be viewed and edited only by:

  • You and the users in your Family Group
  • The users in the maximum Family Group of the private profile
  • Geni curators
  • Geni employees

Note: You can remove any individual from your Family Group from the Settings page or their profile page under the Actions menu. When you Block another user, they are automatically removed from your Family Group.

You can see who is in your family Group in your Account Settings - under News and Notifications - Family Group This is a list where you can remove individuals on their profiles.

// see a FULL list of your Family Group, (both living and deceased), on your profile page under "statistics" click any of the groups - "Family Tree" etc. This takes you to your "List" page. Using the drop down menu under Group select "Family Group", scroll down and click "Update List". Geni generates a list of all profiles in your family Group, arranged by relationship - the default being closest relationship to most remote. You can rearrange the list by clicking on the arrows alongside either Names, Relationship or Managed by. alongside the profiles listed is a small actions menu.
Clicking on "View List" for any person in the list will generate a list with that person as the "Focus Person". You can then generate a list from the "Group" categories as before.


Request to Collaborate


Collaborators can view, edit and merge each other's public profiles. Because Geni was designed for people to work together on a shared family tree, Geni created this feature to enable all users to work with others who are not in their Family Group.

When you find a profile that you’d like to collaborate on, you can send the manager a request to collaborate via the 'Request to Collaborate' link in the Actions Menu on the Profile Manager's profile page.

If the manager accepts the request, both parties will be able to:

  • View and edit the Public profiles each manages
  • Merge duplicate profiles together
  • Correct relationships in the tree

// When you are viewing a profile managed by someone you are collaborating with you will see the icon shown on the left alongside the profile name or the profile manager's name:

Note: Collaboration is mutual. When someone accepts your request to collaborate, they will then also have the option to edit the Public profiles you manage. Your collaborators do not gain any additional permissions on the Private profiles you manage or on your own profile. Nor do they receive any additional family news stories about your activity.

You can view a list of your collaborators on the here, or you can access the list from your profile page. Open the "Activity Tab" and locate Collaborators" down the right side of the page. Click View All to open up the same list.

You can search the list by name - just start typing the name in the box (the ID number for the person you are looking for does not work here). In this list you can elect to "Auto-accept Requests" which means auto-accepting merge requests for profiles that your collaborator is manager of.

You can also stop collaborating with a person in the list by clicking that link. It changes to "Removed" with the option to (undo).


Block this User

// Your can prevent specific users from contacting you or performing actions on profiles you manage. Blocking a user also removes them from your family groups.

To block a user, click the Actions button on her or his profile page and select "Block This User." A blocked user will not be notified that you've blocked them.

When you add someone to your blocked users any family group or collaborator relationships are closed, and the blocked person cannot contact you. This action will also remove them from your Follow list.

You can unblock a user from their profile page or go to the list of Blocked Users under Privacy and permissions in your Account settings and click the "X" alongside their name.


Invite to Project


You can only invite someone to collaborate on a project where you are a collaborator.

This works in much the same way as for historical profiles - except that you cannot add a living person to a project. To add a living person to a project they first need to be made a Master Profile by a curator. A curator can send a request to a manager of a living, unclaimed profile asking to make the profile a Master Profile.


When you type in a key word for the project you wish to invite the person to collaborate on a list of possibilities will be generated. Select the one you want. You can do this multiple times. One of two things will happen - if the person is not yet collaborating on that profile an invitation will be sent to them.


If the person is already collaborating on that project the following message will appear. You could check their list first to see if it is there, but these lists are sometime in their thousands!
You can also request that someone join a project from the Actions menu on the project page. When you have the following window open type in the person's name or use their ID number, then click on their name in the generated list and press "Add Collaborator".

An invitation will be sent to the person.



Profiles may be reported for the following reasons by clicking “Actions” on the profile page and selecting “Report.” Include a brief comment in your report.

  • Claimed Historical Profile
  • Fake Profile
  • Spam
  • Deceased
  • Privacy
  • Vandalism

Note: Only Curators may report a user for vandalism. In order to protect the integrity of the data in Geni’s World Family Tree, Curators may report users who they believe are vandalising the shared tree. Once reported, the user’s edit permissions are restricted until customer service resolves the issue.


If a relative has passed away, and you do not see the option to update their living status in the edit profile basics tab then it is likely that your relative had claimed their profile with their email address. You can report the profile as deceased in the same window. Once it is reported, birthday and anniversary reminders for your relative will be disabled. (See Curator option in the above illustration - not available to Basic or Pro users).

Customer service will resolve the report by un-claiming the profile and updating the living status of the profile to deceased. Once the report is resolved, you and your family will be able to edit your relative’s profile.

See How do I report a profile as Deceased?

// Page - Relationship display



Finding a relationship path from another profile

See also How To: Find Other People’s Relationship Paths

The default for calculating a relationship path on Geni is between yourself and any other profile on Geni. When your tree has been connected to the Big Tree it is possible for Geni to calculate your relationship to any other profile also connected to the World Family Tree (WFT).

// Looking at the profile page for Sarah Ann Smith, my great grandmother, (below) you see how she is related to me. The "push pin" (ringed at the right of the image below) is pointed (see right), indicating that the relation ship calculated is with myself as the focus person.

// Ann Smith - normal relationship path to myself (CJB) as focus person.

// If you click on that pin and cause the point to become "squashed" (right) you are able to find the relationship of that profile to any other profile in the WFT. Depressing the push pin changes the focus person to the profile you are on when you push the pin. In the illustration below you see that the pin has been pushed to make Sarah Ann Smith the focus person.

// Ann Smith - relationship path focus person.

Visiting the profile for Helen Keller with the pin depressed so that Sarah Ann Smith is the focus profile we see that the relationship path between these two people has been calculated.

// Ann Smith - relationship to Helen Keller.

Clicking on the crushed push pin again re-instates the relationship path to focus on the user (myself in this case). As would be expected my great grandmother is shown in the path.

// - relationship to Helen Keller.


// to ...//

M9. Refreshing Relationships
After a profile and its tree have been merged into another it is possible that the "Relationship Path" will have changed as a result. How to refresh the path is explained at the above linked project - scroll down to M9.

// Page - Other Actions



// follow a person by go to their profile page and click the "Follow" button on the right-hand side (left of the Actions link). To stop following a person just click on the Unfollow. You can see who your following on your profile page under the Overview tab of your profile page (on the bottom right-hand side).

Followers receive recent activity updates. Profile privacy determines which updates they will receive. When you follow someone the public activity (adding public profiles, updating public profiles, public discussions, etc.) of that user is displayed in your "news feed" on the home page. If you follow an historic profile (non-claimed), updates to the profile will also appear in your feed even if your not following the person that made the changes.


Research this Person

BLOG Introducing a Faster Way to Research Your Ancestry

// Clicking on this link will automatically take you to MyHeritage’s SuperSearch™ results for that profile. There’s no need to type in information about your relative to start your search; Research this person takes the information on the profile, including the full name, gender, birth date, and death date, and automatically searches for matching records from MyHeritage’s collection of 4 billion historical records and millions of newspaper articles. This link provides a simple and easy way for you to discover more about that person.

People who are MyHeritage subscribers can view the results of such a search. Non members see the basics but cannot access full details.

Contact Profile Managers

This option is not present on profiles where you are the only manager.


Any user can contact the manager(s) of a profile. You must be logged in to Geni to send your message.

Using this link to contact the managers of a profile automatically includes a link to the profile -
"I am contacting you about this profile: followed by a link to the profile concerned". A link to the profile will also be included as an attachment with your message. It will be sent to multiple managers - 20 active managers plus primary manager and curator if not amongst them. If you are contacting the manager(s) of a Master Profile, the Curator of the profile will also be included in the message.

View Tree


Clicking "View tree" takes you to a window where the tree with the focus person being profile you linked from. If you want to open the tree in a separate tab (keeping the profile window open), you need to hold down the CMD button when you click the link.

Edit Profile

Also accessed from Tree View - (see below)
If "Edit Profile" is visible on a profile page it means that you have edit rights on the profile.

Note - you do not need management to edit public profiles - "Geni Pro subscribers [now] have full permission to add on to, edit, and merge profiles in the historical parts of the tree". For more information about this read blog announcement: Only public, unclaimed profiles can be edited by Pro users.

// Private profiles are intended for living relatives and minors. Public profiles, identified by a Green 'world' orb alongside the "long name", are intended for deceased relatives and public figures. They can be viewed by anyone, but only Geni Pro subscribers, Collaborators, Relatives, Geni Curators and Geni Employees have full permission to add on to, edit, and merge profiles in the historical parts of the tree.

// profile accessed from Profile page

// types//
The edit profile accessed from the profile page is a very comprehensive tool, giving you access to more tabs than from the basic edit available in tree view (see below). In addition to the basic and relationship fields you can also edit

Personal (Hair & Eyes, Height, Ethnicity, Religion, Political Views and Language.
Work (Company, Employer, Position, Title, Start Date, Start Year, End Date, End Year, Current Position and Location for multiple positions, with the option to add more as needed.
Schools - the ability to add information about a number of eduction/school types with dates, qualifications and location.

If you are a basic user and need to edit a profile where you have no rights to do so you can either request management on under "Manager options" in the Actions menu (see above), request to collaborate with one of the managers of the profile or contact the managers using "Contact Profile Managers" above to suggest new or additional information for the profile.


// Tree View - Actions

Clicking on a profile node in tree view opens a side panel on the left. Clicking the "More" reveals a drop down menu giving the following options

Clicking on the Name in the side panel opens a side panel

  • Add Photo Available only if there is no image is already attached - opens the add an image window (same as from "More" options below) See also Profile Page Tabs
  • Tree - Clicking Tree makes that person the focus person in tree view opening up their tree, showing their siblings, ancestors and descendants.

NOTE clicking the symbol (left) in the panel on the left side of tree view page will take you to the last focus profile set.

* Edit - opens profile edit window - Shortened tree version

// Options

  • Add - opens the options to add related people to the profile as above. This is also achieved by clicking on the + on individual profile nodes

// a person

// At the top of the screen "Show current family members" adds a list of family members already added. Notes to the Above 1. "Show current family Members" opens a list of family members already in place. 1a.If this box is ticked Geni will suggest last/surname and birth name according to the sex.

  • Adding a spouse will determine the last name according to what has been filled in on the focus profile. Note If in the case of a husband being added for a woman his last name will automatically be that which is in her last name field. It follows that if a second husband is being added, the last name of the first husband will be used if that field carries his name on her profile. If her birth surname is in the last name field that will be used.
  • Adding a child will auto fill the names according to their gender - the last name of a son will be the last name of the parent; the last name of a daughter by default is left blank, and her birth surname is that of the father.
  • Adding a sibling will also auto fill the names according to their gender 2. Relationship is pre-selected depending upon which relative is selected from the options. It can be changed if you have made a wrong choice. 3. Determining Status, Gender and privacy affects how the person will be displayed and viewed.
  • Living will automatically make the profile private, details only being visible to the family group and curators. Note The only way a living person can be made public is if a curator makes it a Master Profile, usually because of celebrity, fame or notoriety status (Living film stars, sports people, politicians etc.
  • Gender will affect the names auto filled in 1a above
  • Privacy - the default is PRIVATE. You need to specify the privacy status of a deceased person if you want it to be public. If you leave it to Geni to decide the profile will remain private if born less than 150 years ago. 4. "Add another family member" - if you tick this box a new window to add a family member will open after saving. You will not need to return to the tree view to add another relative. The relationship will not be specified in 2 above - you will need to establish that first.

Scrolling down in this screen gives other field to add information to determined by the selections made in 2 above.

The following fields are initially not available. They are in subsequent edit windows

  • Last Residence
  • Baptism
  • Burial date
  • Add More Information


Add More Information

See Geni Help Center How do I add additional profile fields?

You can add a custom profile field, defining your own fields to display on a profile. These labels and values are displayed on the profile page in the main information section next to the profile photo. They are useful for adding information not already covered by existing fields. Probate for instance and the South African De Villiers numbers (DVN) - or any other numbering system.

When you click on the option (left above) the second field opens (right) with the Label highlighted to be defined. If you do not add a label here (e.g.De Villiers numbers (DVN), it will be displayed as Label. NOTE that you cannot edit the label field once you have added it. The only way to correct or change it is to remove the field by clicking the "x" to the right of the entry. After labelling press return, and then add information to the field value.

You can repeat the process for further fields.


More Menu


1. View Profile

Opens the profile page in a separate tab.


2. Add Photo

NOTE If there is already a photo in place for the profile this option is to REMOVE it. When you click "Add Photo" from the More actions in the side panel you a window opens.
// You either Select one from your existing albums (Browse Your Albums), or upload one from your computer. Unless you specify an album in which to store the image, or create a new one by typing the name in the window provided, it will be stored in the first album you created, which will be the first one listed in photos (found in the menu under the "Family" at the top of any Geni page).

See more in Basic Techniques 3. Profile Tabs in Media Tab.


3. Delete

see How do I delete someone from my tree?


// Please DO NOT DELETE PROFILES managed by other people


If you are the only manager of a profile there is no problem deleting when necessary. If there is problem on a problem on a profile where there are other managers involved please contact the manager(s) of the profile!

A person who has joined Geni and "claimed" their profile cannot be deleted. If this is the case, that claimed user must cancel directly from their account under 'Account Settings' and Close Account.

Depending on your notification settings, when someone deletes a profile you manage you will get an email informing you, offering you a link to undo the deletion. The email notification of the deletion includes a link to view the list of deleted profiles that you manage.

This list shows you the name, when the profile was deleted, who deleted it and the option to undelete the profile. Note that you may undelete any profiles which you had managed. Otherwise, you will be required to ask the profile manager to do so on your behalf.


4. Move Profile

Places a copy of the node at the top right of the screen. See Merging M1 and M3

5. Add to Projects


6. Adding Sources in Tree View

Clicking on Add Sources in the side panel opens up the following window

// a Source

You can also do this from the profile page see [// Basic Techniques 3. Profile Page Tabs] - scroll down to Sources.

// sources in tree edit screen

Placing the cursor over that icon reveals the above pop up window or similar. Clicking on "Add a Source" opens up the Add Sources Menu - see Basic Techniques 3. Profile Page Tabs - scroll down to Sources.


7. Resolve Duplicates

See Tree Conflicts

// TIP Shortcut - clicking a triangle at the bottom left of a profile node opens a window to either resolve duplicates or select correct parents //

The green 2 on the top of James Henderson's node indicates that there is a parent conflict

Occasionally opening an exclamation mark on the tree shows no duplicates to resolve, but the alert stays in place. Suggestion Refresh the page - this often removes the triangle. To refresh the page click on the circle with arrow at the top left of your screen

// Location


How to: Add and Invite Relatives

VIDEO How to: Add and Invite Relatives