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Validating "The Horn Papers"

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    John Horn (1772 - 1856)
    John Horn BIRTH 11 Jul 1767 Maryland, USA (date changed from ref. [1] to ref. [2] on profile). DEATH 6 Sep 1856 (aged 89) Washington County, Pennsylvania, USA BURIAL Horn Cemetery, Marianna, Wash...
  • Solomon Rose Horn (1833 - 1922)
    Debatable information - primary source corroboration needed. Based on the "Horn Papers" - later proven to be a hoax. Findagrave:
  • John Adolphus Horn (1598 - 1674)
    John was a Swedish and English General. He settled at the Oaks in Chester shire, England, in 1640. He married in 1628. His wife died childless in 1631. He remarried Mary McDonald in 1643 in Chester shi...
  • John Thadus Horn (1572 - 1642)
    Debatable information - primary source corroboration needed.Based on the "Horn Papers" - later proven to be a hoax.
  • William Franklin Horn (1870 - c.1956)
    Famously wrote the "Horn Papers" - later proven to be a hoax. Familysearch: Findagrave:

The purpose of this project is to attempt to validate information in "The Horn Papers" written by William Franklin Horn. Widely dismissed in its entirety due to embellishment and historical inaccuracies, there is a plethora of geneological information that was gathered and published - it is the personal opinion of this researcher (great grandson to the author) that while William Franklin Horn was somewhat known for his embellishment of the truth, that to throw out every scrap of information gathered in the papers (both published and personal) is to throw the baby out with bath water.

This project will attempt to build and verify data whereever possible. All profiles that have been built based on the The Horn Papers has been clearly identified and should be taken with a grain of salt. For more information on the "The Horn Papers", please see the following links:,9171,779400,00.html