Go to Wallace Name Study
Wallace Cemetery, consisting of 4 « acres, is located in Jefferson Township in Warren County,
Iowa. The cemetery is on 33rd Avenue, south of Kirkwood which runs east and west through the
former village of Wick. Today only a few residences are located along Kirkwood. The cemetery
is managed by the Wallace Cemetery Association. On August 27 of 1870 John and Julia Wallace
conveyed title for the land to the Wallace Cemetery Association.
To get to the cemetery take U.S. Highway 92 east from I-35 or west from Indianola. Turn south
on County Highway R-45 (40th Street) which is a concrete highway. After about 1« miles turn
right onto Kirkwood which is paved with asphalt. Travel on Kirkwood for about mile to 33rd
Avenue. Turn left and travel about ¬ mile on a gravel road to the cemetery which is on the
right-hand side of the road.
The cemetery is laid out in rows running north and south. There are 15 rows in the cemetery
but only the first 10 rows have a large number of interments. The rest have only a few
burials, mostly at the north end of the rows. For the purpose of this directory I have
chosen to label the rows A through Q. The rows are numbered from 1 to whatever amount
of interments in the individual rows. For example: Row A which is located along 33rd
Avenue contains 65 markers. There are a total of about 560 interments in the cemetery
as of September 2000.
The data for this directory was acquired by walking the cemetery on three different
occasions in 1998, 1999, and September 2000. Additional information was taken from
obituaries read at the Public Library in Indianola, and a number of other sources
including the Social Security Death Index, Family Search.org, and Ancestry.com.