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  • Balassi Bálint (1554 - 1594)
    Ex parnerként szerepel Losonci Anna, Balassi Bálint szerelembe esett L. Annába, aki ezt nem viszonozta.Anna Losonci listed as ex partner of Bálint Balassi who was fell in love Anna L., but she did not ...
  • Gen. George S. Patton (1885 - 1945)
    Biography Gen. George Smith Patton Jr. was a general in the United States Army who commanded the Seventh United States Army in the Mediterranean theater of World War II, and the Third United States Arm...
  • Midshipman William W. Feltus (1797 - 1814)
    William W. Feltus,Served as Midshipman on board "Essex" under then under command of Commodore. David Porter in the War of 1812; Not much is known before Midshipman Feltus joined the elite "Bluecoats"...
  • Geoffroi de Charny (c.1306 - 1356)
    Famous Knight Templar. Source: Geoffroi de Charny Born c. 1306 Died 19 September 1356 (aged around 50) Poitiers, France Father Jean de Charny Mother Margaret de Joinville (died c. 1306) S...
  • Othon III de Grandson, Seigneur de Sainte-Croix, de Grancour, de Cudrefin (c.1340 - 1397)
    III de Grandson: A Knight and Poet of international RenownA great great nephew of Othon I, born around 1340-45, he lived during the Hundred Years War on the side of his spouse, Jeanne Allaman, Dame de ...

War Poets

This project is dedicated to poets who wrote about the experience of war. The object is to assemble war poets of all periods and nationalities, with a primary focus on conflicts since 1914 – mainly the First World War, Spanish War 1936-39, Second World War and Ireland.

Poets have written about the experience of war since the Greeks, but the young soldier poets of the First World War established war poetry as a literary genre. Their combined voice has become one of the defining texts of Twentieth Century Europe.

In 1914 hundreds of young men in uniform took to writing poetry as a way of expressing their emotions and experiences.

Although ‘war poet’ tends traditionally to refer to active combatants, war poetry has been written by many ‘civilians’ caught up in conflict in other ways: Cesar Vallejo and WH Auden in the Spanish Civil War, Margaret Postgate Cole and Rose Macaulay in the First World War, James Fenton in Cambodia.

War poetry is not necessarily ‘anti-war’. It is often about identity, innocence, guilt, loyalty, courage, compassion, humanity, duty, desire, death. Its response to these questions.

"War poetry is currently studied in every school in Britain. It has become part of the mythology of nationhood, and an expression of both historical consciousness and political conscience. The way we read – and perhaps revere – war poetry, says something about what we are, and what we want to be, as a nation."

Please add the names of War Poets to to the list below. If the person has a profile on Geni please link them to the project and add their link in bold.

See also the following GENi projects

9 Poets of the First World War at Im,perial War Museum]





  • Jeffery Day (1896-1918) was an English war poet, killed in an air battle towards the end of World War I over the sea.
  • Geoffrey Dearmer (1893-1996)
  • Walter John de la Mare, OM, CH (25 April 1873 – 22 June 1956) was an English poet, short story writer and novelist.(In Wiki list of War Poets)
  • Eva Dobell (1876–1963) was a British poet, nurse, and editor, best known for her poems on the effects of World War I and her regional poems. She was the niece of Sydney Dobell - Victorian Poet.
  • William Arthur Dunkerley (12 November 1852 - 23 January 1941) a.k.a. John Oxenham




















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