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British Writers: T - Z

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  • Otta Flora MacDonald Lois Swire (1898 - 1973)
    Otta Flora MacDonald Lois Swire (1898 – 1973) was a Scottish author. She published Skye: the Island and Its Legends in 1952, a collection of fireside stories she had heard from her mother and her grand...
  • Lady Teresa Waugh
    Lady Teresa Waugh is a British novelist and translator. Waugh is the daughter of the 6th Earl of Onslow and his first wife, Pamela Dillon. On 1 July 1961, she married the author Auberon Waugh, eldest s...
  • Group Captain Peter Wooldridge Townsend, CVO, DSO, DFC (1914 - 1995)
    Peter Wooldridge Townsend Captain Peter Wooldridge Townsend, CVO, DSO, DFC & Bar (22 November 1914 – 19 June 1995) was a Royal Air Force officer, flying ace, courtier and author. He was Equerry to King...
  • Mary Wroth (1587 - 1651)
    Mary Wroth (1587–1653) was an English poet of the Renaissance. A member of a distinguished literary family, Lady Wroth was among the first female English writers to have achieved an enduring reputation...

British Writers: T - Z

This project is a place to gather together profiles of British born writers of all genres. Those with bold links have profiles on Geni. Links that are not bold are to other sources.

Names are arranged alphabetically and spread across 6 projects to handle the numbers. (The arrowed buttons below are linked to the other pages).


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  • Jenny Uglow
  • Evelyn Underhill
  • Florence Kate Upton
  • Edward Upward (1903-2009)
  • Alison Uttley born Alice Jane Taylor (1884- 1976)


  • Mrs George de Horne Vaizey
  • Henry Vaughan (1622–1695)
  • Margaret Veley
  • Jules Verne (1828-1905)
  • Frances Parthenope Verney
  • Elizabeth Vesey
  • Dorothy Vicary
  • Salley Vickers
  • Barbara Vine see Ruth Rendell
  • Ernest Alfred Vizetelly (1853-1922)



  • Jane Yardley
  • Ann Yearsley
  • Margaret Yorke
  • E. H. Young
  • William Butler Yeats (1865 – 1939) Irish poet
  • Edward Young (1683-1765)
  • Israel Zangwill (1864 – 1926) British humorist and writer.


References and Sources

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