Ward Clerk: Definition and Meaning
A ward clerk is called to lighten the administrative burden of the bishop in order to free him up to perform tasks only he can perform. The Church produced training session The Role of the Ward Clerk provides an overview of the duties and responsibilities of the ward clerk.
The ward clerk has three general responsibilities: record keeper, administrator, and trainer.
- Record Keeper - As the ward record keeper, the ward clerk is responsible for creating and maintaining ward records including:
- Membership Records - Maintain accurate and up-to-date records on each member of the ward. Also maintain the ward directory. Assisted by the "Membership Clerk".
- Financial Records - Maintain accurate financial records of all donations and expenses. Assisted by Financial Clerk.
- Statistical Records - Keep accurate statistical records and compile the Quarterly Report. Assisted by Statistical Clerk.
- Historical records or annual history - Compile the annual ward history and submit it to the stake. Assisted by the "Historical Clerk".
- Administrator - As a ward administrator, the ward clerk should provide the following support to ward leaders:
- Provide reports directly to the bishop such as these derived from statistical records
- Analyze trends, strengths and weaknesses
- Supervise the work of assistant clerks and quorum and auxiliary secretaries
- Trainer - As the ward record keeping expert, the ward clerk is responsible for ensuring that all members in record keeping callings such as following receive the proper training. He should respond to their record-keeping questions and requests for help.
Scope of Project
Please add profiles of ancestors who performed duties of Ward clerk, Membership clerk, Financial clerk, or Historical clerk.
this project is in History Link