The purpose of this project is to establish as accurate a tree as possible for the different families of this name in South Africa.
Possible starting point is the tree in SAG Volume 16 pp 256-258 - trying to support all the entries listed there by locating relevant documents to support the information.
SAG however have too many errors and omissions best to rely on valid sources .
As a Weyers or Weyer or Wejer or Wyer or Weiher or Weyhers or Weir or Weijer or Weigers myself aware that spelling not consistent even in same families . Different versions used by my own extended family.
Y-DNA haplogroups currently 4 different groups confirmed with test
G1 ,
more than 4000 years separation -- 3 of them in South Africa. . --
Gustave Michael Weÿer, SV/Prog 2 -- this my family his grandson Gustav Weyer visited my family in Mystic River in 1911
Phillipp Weyers
The name is added as Weyers unless reflected differently in primary sources. Entries followed by ✽ are those in the SAG listing
Variations in Spelling found
- Weyers
- Weÿers
- Weijers
- Weiers
- Wyer
- Weijer
- Veyers
- Weyer
First Weijers I can find in South Africa was Hester Weijers wife of Wouter Mostert
Know of another Weyers lady at the Cape 1660's
Hendrik Weyer
Hendrikse Weyer SV/PROG 1 (Weyer)
From Epe, Netherlands 1702, Soldier, Burger 1714; Died 5 Aug 1725; Married Anna Elizabeth Gerrits, daughter of Casper Gerrits and Elsje Speldenberg
Father of1 Maria Weyer bapt. 18 Feb 1720
- MOOC8/12.2 1766 Maria Weijer
1) Christina Adriana en
2) Nicolaas Hendrik Vooren
Stephanus Jansen Weijers, SV/PROG 2 ✽
From Gröningen, Netherlands
Mentioned in the following documents -
TANAP MOOC8/18.28 these MOOC links lead to nothing best to avoid and remove 1779
Membership Dutch Reformed Church Registers
First Marriage 8 Sept. 1771
Maria Louw ✽ Widow of Izaak de Villiers ✽
● b1 Anna Sophia Weÿers ✽
Baptised 14 Jan 1772 Married Guiilliam de Swardt ✽ from Bergen op Zoom on 6 Apr 1794
● b2 Stephanus Weÿers ✽
Baptism 5 Dec 1773
2nd Marriage 5 Jan 1781
Martha Terblanche ter Blanche ✽ widow of Johannes Kok
● b3 Petrus Stephanus Weÿers ✽
Baptism 14 March 1784 No further information found
● b4 Johannes Petrus Weÿers ✽
Bapt. 4 Nov 1785; Died 23 Apr 1854 age 68y 9m 4d; Lange Kloof, George; NOTE There are TWO DN's - DN KAB 2651/1854 - where no children are listed, (7 children living of his first marriage), and KAB DN 2651/1854 where 10 Children are named
● Married firstly Maria Elizabeth Barnard ✽ Nov 1809 - Swellendam
● b4c? Gertruida Johanna Stopforth Weyers
NOT in SAG - Named first on her father's DN KAB 2845/1854 - Gertruida Johanna Separated wife of James George Stopforth To be followed up
● b4c? Stephanus Johannes Weyers ✽ SAG b4c1
SAG Stephanus Janse Death Notice 4254/1839 Stephanus Johannes Weyers; born c.1812 district George; Died 30 Dec 1839 Welbedag, Ward Mossel Bay, District George. Named third on his father's DN KAB 2845/1854 DEAD; Married Maria Catharina Rautenbach ✽
● b4c1d? Maria Catharina Weyers Named 1st on DN 4254/1839 Born c.1832; Death: 14 October 1868 - DN KAB 4731/1868 Married Cornelis Ferdinand Janse van Rensburg DN KAB 4079/1882 where 6 children were named.
● b4c1d? Johannes Petrus Weyers ✽ (b4c1d1) Named 2nd on DN 4254/1839 Born 27 Jan 1835; Bapt. 24 Jan 1846 - George; Married 3 Oct 1859 at George - Dirkie Catharina Dannhauser ✽● b4c1d1e1 Rachelina Maria Weyers ✽ Born 7 Dec 1860; Bapt. 5 May 1861 George DN 1247/1885 Died 4 Jun 1885 aged 24 years; Married c. 1880 Michael A Rademeyer
● b4c1d1e2 Stephanus Johannes Weyers ✽ Born 7 Jul 1862. Bapt. 26 Nov 1862 George
● b4c1d1e3 Maria Catharina Weyers ✽ Born 25 May 1865; Bapt. 30 Jul 1865; Married c. 1884 William Hudgon Meyer ✽
● b4c1d1e4 Dirkje Catharina Weyers ✽ Born 3 10 1867; NOTE baptism given in SAG v.16 p 256 as Uniondale 12 Jan 1867 - before birth date.
● b4c1d1e5 Johanna Catharina Weyers ✽ Born c. 1870; According to her husband's DN 36145/1932 he married secondly on 17 Sep 1906. The last child of hers listed was born 13 April 1899. Her date of death is logically between those two dates. Married Uniondale 14 Jan 1889 to André August Walter Tiran ✽ Pending merge DN 36145/1932 Died 10 Nov 1932; 5 children named - mother Johanna Catharina.● b4c1d2 Geertruyda Johanna Weyers ✽ Named 3rd on DN 4254/1839 - Gertruida Johanna Born 8 Jul 1837; Bapt. 26 Feb 1839 George; As her husband married secondly on 13 March 1877 and her last child listed as being born on 21 Apr 1867 she will have died between those dates. Married 27 March 1854 to Florence James Nelson ✽ at Mossel Bay - 7 children listed in SAG v.6 p.171
● b4c1d? Stefanus Johannes Weyers (Stephanus) Named 4th on DN 4254/1839 minor Born 25 June 1839 Riversdal (MyHeritage) DN VAB 1872/1912 Farmer - Died 31 Jul 1912 aged 73y 1m 5d.
Married firstly Susanna Johanna Hermina Wentzel who died in Kroonstad Concentration Camp on 20 March 1901 aged 60● e1 Stephanus Johannes Weyers Named 1st on his father's DN VAB 1872/1912 Born c.1864; Married Isabella Margaretha Johanna Maria Prinsloo
● e1f1 Elsje Josina Weyers born 22 Apr 1887; Died 4 Jul 1976 (89); Married to 1. Daniel Jacobus du Plessis and 2. Wille Swanepoel
● e1f2 Susanna Johanna Hermina Weyers
● e1f3 Isabella Margaretha Johanna Weyers born 24 Jun 1894; Died 7 Jul 1976 Pretoria. Married to Adriaan Marthinus Francois Nel 5 children listed on her DN 8942/76 added to her profile
● e1f4 Aletta Levina
● e1f5 Johannes Petrus Weyers
● e1f6 Maria Wilhelmina Catharina Weyers - married Nel● e2 Elsie Catharina Weyers Born c. 1864. Named 2nd on her father's DN VAB 1872/1912 Married Andries Gerhardus van der Westhuizen
● e3 Susanna Johanna Hermina Named 4th on her father's DN VAB 1872/1912 Married to John Wilhelm Smalberger Mar 28 1887 (S3987) Born 27 Dec 1868 Died 1 Apr. 1917
● e4 Carel David Weyers Named Karel 5th on his father's father's DN VAB 1872/1912 British Concentration Camps Database where he was interred at Winburg RC on 7 Sept 1901, transferred to Kroonstad RC on 12 Oct 1901 - Bywoner; Born 1870 Kroonstad; Died 7 May 1939, Lichternburg. DN TAB 2035/1939;1st Married to Cornelia Carolina Welman who died in 1902 at Kroonstad Concentration Camp, Orange Free State; Marriage 25 Jul 1893 Interred in Winburg RC BCCD Died 1st May 1902 aged 27
● f1 Stefanus Johannes Weyers -The only child named on his mother's DN VAB W1400 Aged 7years; named on his father's DN TAB 2035/39 Born c1895
● f2 Johannes Adrian Weyers NOT named on his father's DN TAB 2035/39 Born 1895/6 Died at Kroonstad RC Concentration camp cemetery on 20 Jan 1902 VAB DN W1318
● f3 Elsie Sophia Cathrina Weyers - NOT named on her father's DN TAB 2035/39 Died at Kroonstad RC Concentration camp cemetery Born 1898 Died 11 Dec 1901 VAB DN W1235
● f4 Carel David Weyers - NOT named on her father's DN TAB 2035/39 British Concentration Camps Database Born 1900 Died 15 Dec 1901 DN VAB W12362nd Marriage to Maria Magdalena Welman Born c. 1877; Died 14 May 1914 DN VAB W1965/1914
● f5 Carel David Weyers Born 8 Jun 1904
● f6 Marcus Wynand Weyers Born 14 Nov 1906
● f7 Johan Petrus Weyers Born 12 Nov 1908
● f8 Susanna Johanna Hermina Weyers Born 8 Mar 1911; Died 9 Feb 1996 Married Pieter van Zyl in 1931
● f9 Johan Christiaan Weyers Born 5 Feb 19133rd Married to Anna Elizabeth Jacomina de Lange Widow of Willem Joseff Koff (1882-1911)
● e5 Gertruida Johanna Weyers Born c. 1872; Named 7th on her father's DN VAB 1872/1912 Died 12 Mar 1884 at Rietgat, Heilbron, Orange Free State DN VAB S3983/1917; Married to Christiaan Andries Smit; 6 Children named.
● e6 Johannes Petrus Weyers - Named 8th on his father's DN VAB 1872/1912
● e7 Petronella Johanna Weyers NOT Named on her father's DN VAB 1872/1912
● e8 Helena Aletta Weyers Named 9th on her father's DN VAB 1872/1912 - Died 7 Nov 1953; DN 7217/53 attached to her profile; Married to Johannes Andries Steenkamp
● e? Daniel du Plessis Weyers Named 10th on his father's DN VAB 1872/1912
● e? Maria Catharina Weyers Named 3rd on her father's DN VAB 1872/1912 Widow Vosloo
● e? Anna Aletta Sophia Weyers Named 6th on her father's DN VAB 1872/1912 married to C CronjeMarried secondly Maria Susanna Elsabie Meyer widow of Johannes Stefanus Ferreira No children recorded on DN VAB 1872/1912
● b4c? Jacobus Matthiam (Marthinus) Weyers ✽ SAG b4c2
Born 16 Aug 1814; Bapt. 1 Oct 1815 - George; Named second on his father's DN KAB 2845/1854 Married Maria Margaretha Johanna Kriek ✽ 24 May 1841 at George
● b4c2d1 Sophia Catharina Weyers ✽ Born
● b4c2d2 Johannes Petrus Weyers ✽ Born
● b4c2d3 Hendrik Christoffel Weyers ✽ Born 11 Aug 1852; Bapt. 3.Jul 1853 (SAG); Died 6 April 1936 - DN TAB 92667/1936Married firstly 1st Marriage Johanna Magdalena Margaretha Pieterse BCCD Balmopral Camp. Died 1902 Middelburg RC DN TAB 2003/1902
● b4c2d3e1 Matheus Johannes Weyers Named 1. on his mother's DN TAB 2003/1902
● b4c2d3e2 Martha Jacoba Weyers Born 2 Jun 1887; BCCD Balmoral Camp; Named 2. on her mother's DN TAB 2003/1902 Married to Schalk Daniel van der Sandt
● b4c2d3e3 Maria Elizabeth Weyers Born c. 1889 BCCD Balmoral Camp; Married to Martinus Johannes Malan
● b4c2d3e4 Johanna Margaretha Magdalena Born c. 1891; Named 3. on her mother's DN TAB 2003/1902BCCD Balmoral Camp; Married to Daniel Johannes van der Sandt
● b4c2d3e? Sophia Katrina Weyers Born c.1894; NOT Named on her mother's DN TAB 2003/1902BCCD Balmoral Camp
● b4c2d3e5 Susanna Arbesuel? Weyers Susannah Ebbezel Born c. 1896 Named 5. on her mother's DN TAB 2003/1902 BCCD Balmoral Camp; Married to Jacobus Johannes Els
● b4c2d3e6 Hendrik Christoffel Weyers Born c.1899 Named 6. on his mother's DN TAB 2003/1902 BCCD Balmoral Camp;
Married Secondly 2nd Marriage Aletta Jacoba Beaurain
● b4c2d? Johanna Bendriks Weyers Married to David Schalk Pieterse● b4c2d4 Gert Petrus Weyers ✽
● b4c2d5 Geertruyda Johanna Weyers ✽
● b4c2d6 Magdalena Petronella Weyers ✽
● b4c2d7 Cornelis Johannes Weyers ✽●● b4c? Martha Maria Weyers ✽ SAG b4c3
Born 29 Jul 1816; Bapt. 30 May 1817 George; Named fourth on her father's DN KAB 2845/1854 DEAD; Married Frederick Wilhelm Garricke
● b4c? Johannes Petrus Weyers Johan ✽ SAG b4c4
Born 15 Nov 1819; Died 25 Jul 1879. Death Notice No children; Named fifth on his father's DN KAB 2845/1854
● b4c? Maria Jacoba Weyers ✽ SAG b4c5
Born 11 Apr 1821; Named sixth on her father's DN KAB 2845/1854 Married to Johan Godfried Hendricus Gerricke
● b4c? Margaretha Petronella Weyers ✽ SAG b4c6
Named as Margaretha JACOBA on her father's Named seventh on her father's DN KAB 2845/1854 NOT listed SAG v16 p 257; I believe she is Margaretha PETRONELLA SAG v16 p 257 c6 See KAB DN 6974/1883; Married Pieter William Terblanche
● b4c? Petrus Johannes Weyers ✽ SAG b4c7
Born 3 Feb 1825; Named eighth on his father's DN KAB 2845/1854; Married Petronella Cornelia Bouwer,
● b4c7d1 Johan Petrus Weyers ✽
● b4c7d2 Johanna Stoffelina Catharina Weyers ✽
● b4c7d3 Cornelis Tobias Weyers ✽
● b4c7d? Maria Elizabeth Weyers ✽● b4c? Hendrik Christoffel Weyers ✽ SAG b4c8
Born 14 Mar 1827; Bapt. 20 Oct 1827; Named ninth on his father's DN KAB 2845/1854 DEAD Married Anna Catharina (Christina) Gerber
● b4c8bc9d1 Johanna Maria Elizabeth Weyers ✽ born 20 Nov 1853; Bapt. 22 Oct 1854
● b4c8bc8d? Johannes Hendrik Christoffel Weyers ✽● b4c? Johannes Gerhardus Weyers ✽ SAG b4c9
Born 15 May 1829; Named tenth on his father's DN KAB 2845/1854 DEAD; Married to Isabella Fredrika Catharina Janse van Rensburg
● Married secondly Sara Maria Jonck 25 Dec 1832 at George - Widow of Stopforth
● b5 Stephanus Salomon Weÿers ✽
Baptism 19 May 1789; Born 22 Feb 1789;DN KAB 4222/1868 Died 5 Feb 1868 "The Sneeuw"? district of Graaff=Reinet.
Married Firstly to Anna Francina Fauche
● b5c1 Petronella Johanna Jacoba Weyers ✽ TWIN Named 1. on her father's DN KAB 4222/1868 Born 13 Aug 1813; Bapt. George 26 Dec 1813; Married to Salomon Godfried Terblanche George 1 Feb 1836
● b5c2 Maria Martha Johanna Weyers ✽ TWIN NOT Named 2. on her father's DN KAB 4222/1868 Born 13 Aug 1813; Bapt. George 26 Dec 1813;
● b5c3 Stephanus Jansen Weyers ✽ Named 2. on his father's DN KAB 4222/1868 Born 13 Oct 1813; Bapt. George 26 Dec 1813; Died 3 Jan 1884 Aberdeen district DN KAB 7899/1884; Married Anna Christina Terblanche 26 Dec 1836 George● b5c3d1 Anna Christina Weyers ✽ SAG born c. 1835 - Died young
● b5c3d2 Anna Maria Stephina Weyers Anna Maria Stefana Swanepoel ✽ Born 30 Nov 1837; Bapt. 12 Aug 1838 George; Died 18 Nov 1907 Death Information Named 1 on her father's DN KAB 7899/1884; Married Gabriël Hermanus Swanepoel
● b5c3d3 Magdalena Anna Weyers SAG Married to Johannes Hendrik van Vuuren However NOTE *** According to her father's DN KAB 7899/1884, where she is named 2, Magdalena Maria, Married to Johannes Hk van Heerden ✽ No supporting documents found
● b5c3d4 Maria Weyers ✽ SAG married Andries Swanepoel; However - on her father's DN KAB 7899/1884 she is 3. Maria Susanna Philippina Weyers married to Petrus Andries Swanepoel;
● b5c3d5 Petronella Johanna Weyers ✽ Born 28 May 1846; Bapt. 27 Sep 1846 Graaff-Reinet; Named 4 on her father's DN KAB 7899/1884 Married to Hendrik Christoffel du Plessis on 13 Jul 1863 at Aberdeen.
● b5c3d6 Hester Elizabeth Weyers ✽ Named 5 on her father's DN KAB 7899/1884 -Married to Hendrik Christoffel van der Berg on 2 Sep 1865
● b5c3d7 Sara Elizabeth Weyers ✽ Named 6 on her father's DN KAB 7899/1884 Married to David Jacobus du Plessis] on 11 Jan 1870 at Aberdeen
● b5c3d8 Martha Sophia Weyers ✽ Named 7 on her father's DN KAB 7899/1884 Born 1853; Died 9 Feb 1893 - DN KAB 828/1893 Married to Marthinus Christoffel Barnard on 24 May 1869 at Aberdeen
● b5c3d9 Salomon Terblanche Weyers ✽ No further details/documents yet found
● b5c3d10 Stephanus Salomon Weyers ✽ Stefanus Salomon Born 1847; Died 19 Jul 1939 DN VAB 31047/1939 Married to Johanna Cornelia van Zyl at Prince Albert on 6 May 1868● b5c3d10e1 Geertruyda Johanna Weyers Born 14 Jan 1869; Bapt. 7 Mar 1869 Willowmore ✽ Named 1 on her father's DN VAB 31047/1939 Died 18 Sep 1916 DN KAB 2515/1916 Erf No. 32, Aberdeen; Married to 1. Jan Abraham Fouche and 2. Leonardus Willem Proders Hansen - died before 1939
● b5c3d10e2 Philippus Jacobus Weyers Named 2 on her father's DN VAB 31047/1939 - living in 1939
● b5c3d10e3 Petrus Cornelis Weyers Named 3 on her father's DN VAB 31047/1939 Deceased
● b5c3d10e4 Elizabeth Johanna Gertruida Weyers Named 4 on her father's DN VAB 31047/1939 Living; Married to P J Bothma
● b5c3d10e5 Johanna Cornelia Weyers Named 5 on her father's DN VAB 31047/1939 Married to P J Strydom (who died before 1939)
● b5c3d10e6 Stefanus Salomon Weyers Named 6 on his father's DN VAB 31047/1939 Living 1939
● b5c3d10e7 Casparus Cornelis Weyers Named 7 on his father's DN VAB 31047/1939 Living 1939
● b5c3d10e8 Anna Francina Weyers Born c. 1880 Died 30 Apr 1931 Bloemfontein - DN VAB 23235/1931 Named 8 on her father's DN VAB 31047/1939 deceased; Married to Theunis Philippus Rudolphus de Bruyn
● b5c3d10e9 Maria Magdalena Weyers Named 9 on her father's DN VAB 31047/1939 Living. Married to J Harper
● b5c3d10e10 Martha Johanna Petronella Weyers Named 10 on her father's DN VAB 31047/1939 Living. Married to C Harper
● b5c3d10e11 Johannes Abraham Weyers Born c.1885; Died 30 Sep 1949 Bloemfontein; DN VAB 1090/1949 Jan Abraham Weyers; Named 11 on his father's DN VAB 31047/1939 Living at that date. Married to Anna Magdalena Booysen● b5c3d10e11f1 Stefanus Salomon Weyers Named 1. on his father's DN VAB 1090/1949
● b5c3d10e11f2 Marthinus Johannes Weyer Named 2 on his father's DN VAB 1090/1949
● b5c3d10e11f3 Jan Abraham Weyers Named 3 on his father's DN VAB 1090/1949 Deceased on 17 Jun 1944 Brandfort. Left no Children
● b5c3d10e11f4 Anna Magdalena Botha [Anna Magdalena Weyers] Named 4 on her father's DN VAB 1090/1949 Married to M Botha
● b5c3d10e11f5 Johanna Cornelia Weyers Born 9 Apr 1930; Named 5 on his father'sDN VAB 1090/1949
● b5c3d10e11f6 Benjamin Mulder Weyers born 4 Sep 1932; Named 6 on his father'sDN VAB 1090/1949 Minor● b5c3d10e12 Willem Johannes Weyers Named 12 on his father's DN VAB 31047/1939 Living. Born c. 1885;
Married First to Petronella Strydom 30 Nov 1909
● b5c3d10e12f1 Maria Petronella Weyers (1921-1963) married to Barend Jacobus du Toit
● b5c3d10e12f2 Stephanus Salomon Weyers b 1939
Married second to Cecilia Catharina ?● b5c3d10e13 Johannes Jacobus Weyers Named 13 on his father's DN VAB 31047/1939 Living.
● b5c4 Philippus Johannes Jacobus Weyers ✽ TWIN Named 4. as Philippus Jacobus on his father's DN KAB 4222/1868 Born 19 May 1817; Bapt. George 17 Jun 1817; Died 14 May 1889 KAB DN 1280/1889
● b5c4d? Phillippus Jacobus Weyers Born 1851 Died 12 May 1925 Rietbron, Willowmore DN KAB 8030/1925
First Marriage - Anna Johanna Dorothea Viviers
● b5c4d?e1 Johanna Cornelia Weyers Named 1 on her father's DN KAB 8030/1925 Married to
[Johannes Stefannus Fouche Johannes Stefannus Fouche ● b5c4d?e2 Phillippus Jacobus Weyers Born 1875; Named 2 on his father's DN KAB 8030/1925 Deceased. Died 11 Nov 1918; DN KAB 4729/1918 Married to Yda Cornelia de Beer
● b5c4d?e2f1 - 8 children listed to be expanded
● b5c4d?e3 Elizabeth Gertruida Johanna Weyers Named 3 on her father's DN KAB 8030/1925; Married to Frederik Hendrik Swanepoel
● b5c4d?e4 Anna Susanna Francina Weyers Named 4 on her father's DN KAB 8030/1925; Deceased; Married to Lourens Oosthuizen
● b5c4d?e5 Abraham Jacobus Weyers Named 5 on his father's DN KAB 8030/1925; Married to Ellen Charlotte Jane Scheün, Maria Magdalena Petronella Scheün and Johanna Frederika Petronella SwanepoelTO BE EXPANDED
● b5c4d?e6 Jan Abraham Weyers Named 6 on his father's DN KAB 8030/1925;
● b5c4d?e7 Jacomina Johanna Weyers Named 7 on her father's DN KAB 8030/1925; Married Johannes Hendrik Rothner
● b5c4d?e8 Johannes Jacobus Weyers Named 8 on his father's DN KAB 8030/1925; Deceased
Second Marriage - Johanna Adriana Louisa Venter
● b5c4d?e9 Mariia Louisa Phillipina Weyers Named 9 on her father's DN KAB 8030/1925; Married David Petrus Loubser
● b5c4d?e10 Willem Adriaan Weyers Named 10 on his father's DN KAB 8030/1925;
● b5c4d?e11 Martha Johanna Weyers Named 11 on her father's DN KAB 8030/1925;
● b5c4d12 Francina Petronella Weyers ✽ SAG b5c4d1 Born 1 Mar 1866; Bapt. 3 Jun 1866 Willowmore; Died 24 Dec 1894 Prince Albert district; Named 12 on her father's DN KAB 8030/1925; (although not marked as married) SAG - Married to Casper Wilhelmus Albertus Swanepoel 23 Jun 1884;
● b5c4d13 Samuel Weyers Named 13 on his father's DN KAB 8030/1925; Born 28 Nov 1913; Died 30 May 1983, Bloemfontein DN Married to Caroline van Deemter Born 25 May 1913● b5c4d13e1 Thomas Phillipus Weyers Named 1 on his father's DN
● b5c4d13e2 Samuel Johan Weyers Named 2 on his father's DN● b5c4d14 Daniel Jacobus Weyers Named 14 on his father's DN KAB 8030/1925;
● b5c4d15 David Christiaan Weyers Named 15 on his father's DN KAB 8030/1925;● b5c5 Anna Stephasina Weyers ✽ TWIN Named 4. as Anna Francina on her father's DN KAB 4222/1868 Born 19 May 1817; Bapt. George 17 Jun 1817; Died 5 Apr 1894 Willowmore District DN 1329/1894 Married to Frans Antonie Gerber on 27 Oct 1839
● b5c6 Johannes Abraham Weyers ✽ Jan Named 5. as Jan Abraham on his father's DN KAB 4222/1868 Born 3 Mar 1819; Died 6 Jun 1889 DN KAB 1167/1889 Married Maria Johanna Cornelia Oosthuizen● b5c6d1 Stephanus Salomon Weyers Named 1 on his father's DN KAB 1167/1889; Born 1854 Beaufort West District. Died 31 Oct 1912, Beaufort West. DN KAB 3359/1912.
Married First to Elizabeth Johanna Strumpher Died 16 Oct 1902.
● b5c6de1 Jan Abraham Weyers Named 1. on father's DN KAB 3359/1912. Born 1878; Died 1 Nov 1847
● b5c6de2 Maria Weyers Named 2. on father's DN KAB 3359/1912.
● b5c6de3 Annie Weyers Named 3. on father's DN KAB 3359/1912.
● b5c6de4 Matthys Andreas Weyers Named 4. on father's DN KAB 3359/1912.
● b5c6de5 Catharina Wilhelmina Weyers Named 5. on father's DN KAB 3359/1912.
● b5c6de6 Isabella Weyers Named 6. on father's DN KAB 3359/1912.
● b5c6de7 Dinah Weyers Named 7. on father's DN KAB 3359/1912.
● b5c6de8 Stephanus Salomon Weyers Named 8. on father's DN KAB 3359/1912.
● b5c6de9 Elizabeth Weyers Named 9. on father's DN KAB 3359/1912.Married Second to Elsie Dorothea Sara van Zyl
● b5c6de10 Abel Hermanus Weyers Named Abel Weyers 10. on father's DN KAB 3359/1912. Born 27 Aug 1903, Beaufort West. Bapt. 04/10/1903;
● b5c6de11 Anna Weyers Named 11. on father's DN KAB 3359/1912.
● b5c6de12 Willem Weyers Named 12. on father's DN KAB 3359/1912.
● b5c6de13 Hester Weyers Named 13. on father's DN KAB 3359/1912.
● b5c6de14 Johanna Weyers Named 14. on father's DN KAB 3359/1912.
● b5c6de15 Sellee? Weyers Named 15. on father's DN KAB 3359/1912.
● b5c6d2 Jan Abraham Weyers Named 2 on his father's DN KAB 1167/1889● >b5c6d3 Abel Hermanus Weyers Named 3 on his father's DN KAB 1167/1889 Died 15 Aug 1924 Beaufort West DN 5205/1924 Married Francina Maria Viviers
● b5c6d3e1 Abel Hermanus Weyers Named 1 on his father's DN 5205/1924
● b5c6d3e2 Maria Johanna Cornelia Weyers Named 2 on her father's DN 5205/1924
● b5c6d3e3 Petrus Johannes Weyers Named 3 on his father's DN 5205/1924
● b5c6d3e4 Engela Helena Weyers Named 4 on her father's DN 5205/1924
● b5c6d3e5 Barend Johannes Weyers Named 5 on his father's DN 5205/1924● b5c6d4 Maria Johanna Cornelia Weyers Named 4 on her father's DN KAB 1167/1889
● b5c6d5 Anna Christina Francina Weyers Named 5 on her father's DN KAB 1167/1889 Born 18 Sep 1850 Bapt. 1 Oct 1850 Died June 16 1931 - Prince Albert
● b5c6d6 Catharina Magdalena Weyers Named 6 on her father's DN KAB 1167/1889
● b5c7 Johannes Jacobus Weyers ✽ Born 20 Jul 1820; Bapt. 15 Oct 1820 George; Named 6. on his father's DN KAB 4222/1868 Died 6 Oct 1900 DN KAB 3816/1900 Married Maria Isabella Margaretha Swanepoel● b5c7d1 Elizabeth Johanna Maria Weyers Born 13 Dec 1847; Died 3 Jan 1924; Named 1 Elizabeth Johanna Margaretha Weyers on her father's DN KAB 3816/1900 Married to Petrus Benjamin de Villiers
● b5c7d2 Stephanus Salomon Weyers Born 31 Jan 1850; NOT named on his father's DN KAB 3816/1900
● b5c7d3 Anna Francina Weyers Born 17 Feb 1852 Died 08 Feb 1889 (36) NOT named on her father's DN KAB 3816/1900 Wife of Johan Christiaan Zikmann
● b5c7d4 Jan Abraham Weyers Born 12 Oct 1855 ;Named 2 on his father's DN KAB 3816/1900
● b5c7d5 Johannes Jacobus Weyers Born 2 Sep 1857; Died16 Dec 1931; Named 3 on his father's DN KAB 3816/1900 Married to Maria Margaretha Isabella Weyers, b6c5d6e1f7 Maria Margaretha Isabella Swanepoel]
● b5c7d3● b5c8 Susanna Petronella Weyers ✽ Named 7. on her father's DN KAB 4222/1868
● b5c9 Petrus Stephanus Weyers ✽ Named 8. on his father's DN KAB 4222/1868
Born 28 Feb 1824 Died 25 Dec 1878 Hanover District DN KAB 6469/1879; Married Maria Magdalena Stolz Stols 19 May 1857 Beaufort West. Her DN TAB 18484/1903 Died 8 Mar 1803● b5c9d1 Anna Farncina Weyers Named 1 on her father's DN KAB 6469/1879; Married to Petrus Francois Joubert
● b5c9d2 Magdalena Maria Weyers Born. 1857 Named 2 on her father's DN KAB 6469/1879; Married to Stephanus Petrus Naude
● b5c9d3 Petronella Johanna Hendrika Weyers Named 3 on her father's DN KAB 6469/1879; Married to Johannes Petrus Jacobus Meintjes
● b5c9d4 Judith Susanna Hendrika Weyers Named 4 on her father's DN KAB 6469/1879; Married to Jacobus Christiaan Henrico
● b5c9d5 Martha Catherina Weyers (1864-1947) Named 5 on her father's DN KAB 6469/1879; Married to Paulus Petrus Joubert
● b5c9d6 Stephanus Salomon Weyers Named 6 on his father's DN KAB 6469/1879
● b5c9d7 Hendrik Johannes Weyers Named 7 on his father's DN KAB 6469/1879
● b5c9d8 Maria Magdalena Weyers (1852-1872) Named 8 on her father's DN KAB 6469/1879 Married to Johan Christiaan Weldeman
● b5c9d? Anna Catharina Elizabeth Weyers ✽ Born 22 Dec 1879; Bapt. Beautort West. The only child noted in SAG but not mentioned on the DNs of her parents.● b5c10 Paul Stephanus Weyers ✽ NOT Named on his father's DN KAB 4222/1868
● b5c11 Henderik Johannes Weyers ✽ Born 1 May 1827, Mossel Bay; 4 Nov 1827 George; Named 10. on his father's DN KAB 4222/1868 Died 1 Nov 1893, Aberdeen DN KAB 2700/1893; Married to Susanna Francina Marais● b5c11d1 Stephanus Salomon Weyers; Named 1 on his father's DN KAB 2700/1893; Born 11 Jul 1851; Bapt. 20 Sep 1852, Beaufort West; Died 23 Dec 1939, Murraysburg; Married to Martha Wilhelmina Jooste
● b5c11d1e1 Hendrik Johannes Weyers Bapt. 5 Dec 1873; Died 13 Sep 1948; Married to Elizabeth Maria Barendze
● b5c11d1e1f1 Stephanus Salomon Weyers Born 1 Oct 1894; Died 23 Aug 1970 Retiz O.F.S.DN 1982/70 Stephanus Salmon Weyers; Married to Martha Sophia Maritz
● b5c11d1e1f1g1 Henry John Weyers Named 1. Hendrik Johannes Weyers on his father's DN 1982/70; Married to Catharina Jacomina Jouberta Spies
● 5 children
● b5c11d1e1f1g2 Ann Cathleen Weyers Born 18 Nov1919; Died 17 Feb 2004; Named 2. Ann Cathleen Case on her father's DN 1982/70; Married to George Thomas Case and Charles Ambrose Stilton Sheriff divorced
● b5c11d1e1f1g3 Gerhardus Stephanus Weyers Born 31 May 1921; Died 16 Jul 1978 Named 3. on his father's DN 1982/70; Married to Valerie Dawn Hackney divorced and Magrieta Johanna Erasmus
● b5c11d1e1f1g4 Bertus Marius Weyers Born 20 Feb 1923; Died 31 Oct 2006; Named 4. on his father's DN 1982/70; Married to Johanna Maria du Plessis
● b5c11d1e1f1g5 Stephanus Salomo Weyers Born 17th Jan 1926; Died 9 Feb 1990; Named 5. on his father's DN 1982/70; Married to Jacoba Gertruida Wilhelmina Anna Bothma and Catharina Maria Koch Divorced
● b5c11d1e1f1g6 Lionel Cowpen Weyers Born 20 Mar1934; Died 20 May 1998; Named 6. on his father's DN 1982/70; Married to Estelle Hendrina van Zyl● b5c11d2 Susanna Francina Weyers; Named 2 on her father's DN KAB 2700/1893; married to Michael Christoffel ??
● b5c11d3 Andries Francois Weyers; Named 3 on his father's DN KAB 2700/1893; Born 1856 Aberdeen District; Died 23 8 1927 DN KAB 16158/1927; Three listed children assumed to be from 2nd marriage;Married First to Susanna Hendrina Elizabeth Weyers Susanna FRANCINA on husband's DN; Born c. 1869 Beaufort District - Daughter of Philip Weyers un-placed and his wife Elizabeth ?; Died 19 Dec. 1886 aged 17 Oudeplaats - DN KAB 46/1887 One child named - presumed died before 1927
● b5c11d3e1 Susanna Hendrina Elizabeth Weyers Born c. 1886? Not named on her father's DN KAB 16158/1927
Married Second to Johanna Fredrika Joubert
● b5c11d3e2 Hendrik Johannes Weyers Named 1. on his father's DN KAB 16158/1927;
● b5c11d3e3 Maria Elizabeth Weyers Named 2. on her father's DN KAB 16158/1927; Married to Oosthuizen
● b5c11d3e4 Susanna Francina Weyers Named 3. on her father's DN KAB 16158/1927;Married to Labuschagne● b5c11d4 Anna Franscena Weyers; Named 4 on her father's DN KAB 2700/1893; Married to Roelof Alwyn Lodewicus Jooste
● b5c11d5 Maria Magdalena Weyers; Named 5 on his father's DN KAB 2700/1893; married to Andries Marais
● b5c11d6 Johanna Aletta Andries Weyers; Named 6 on her father's DN KAB 2700/1893; Married to Franz Joubert
● b5c11d7 Hendrik Johannes Weyers; Named 7 on his father's DN KAB 2700/1893;● b5c12 Hester Elizabeth Weyers ✽ NOT Named on her father's DN KAB 4222/1868
● b5c? Salomon Stephanus Weyers Born 1834 Plettenberg Bay; - Named 10. on his father's DN KAB 4222/1868; Died 18 May 1916 Aberdeen DN KAB 2052/1916; Married to Christina Catharina Boshoff● b5c?d1 Magdalena Petronella Weyers Named 1. on her father's DN KAB 2052/1916; Married to Josephus Daniel Matthee
● b5c?d2 Stephanus Salomon Weyers Named 2. on his father's DN KAB 2052/1916;
● b5c?d3 Anna Francina Weyers Named 3. on her father's DN KAB 2052/1916; Married to Daniel C Momberg
● b5c?d4 Hendrik Louis Weyers Named 4. on his father's DN KAB 2052/1916
● b5c?d5 Christina Catharina Weyers Named 5. on her father's DN KAB 2052/1916;
● b5c?d6 Salomon Stephanus Weyers Named 6. on his father's DN KAB 2052/1916
● b5c?d7 Willem Hendrik Weyers Named 7. on his father's DN KAB 2052/1916
● b5c?d8 Jan Abraham Weyers Named 8. on his father's DN KAB 2052/1916
● b5c?d9 Jacoba Isabella Weyers Named 9. on her father's DN KAB 2052/1916; Married to Jacob A C Weideman
● b5c?d10 Martha Magdalena Weyers Named 10. on her father's DN KAB 2052/1916; Married to Willem Frederik van HeerdenMarried Secondly 9 Aug 1852 Maria Dorothea Mark
Married Thirdly 26 Mar 1860to Gertruida Abigail Tesner
Widow of Geldenhuys; died 16 Jul 1902 aged 100y and 8m Death Information
● b6 Maria Martha Weÿers ✽ Born 2 Nov 1789; Baptism Paarl 15 May 1790
● b7 Hendrik Weÿers ✽
Bapt. 7 Jun 1795
Friedrich Wilhelm Weyer, SV/PROG 2
Gustave Michael Weÿer, SV/Prog 2
Christian Friedrich Wilhelm Weyer, SV/ Prog 3
Martin Weyer, SV/Prog 4
Other listings in SAG 16 p256
1 Arie Weyers
Born Katendrecht, South Holland 9 Sep 1876. Died Pretoria 29 Jul 1926
bapt. 16 Nov 1721 Married 4 times on Geni tree - needs verification and sources
bapt. 27 Aug 1724. Died 21 Jan 1767; m firstly Gessie Andries van de Walt and secondly Christiaan Gotlieb Lessing SV/PROG
- TANAP MOOC8/9.37a 1759 Andries van der Walt, ten voordeele van desselfs naargeblevene huijsvrouwe Johanna Weijerse
- TANAP MOOC8/13.19 Inventaris des boedels van wijlen Johanna Weijerse laast huijsvrouw van den landbouwer 1. Christiaan Godlieb Lessing 2. Geel Andries van der Walt
Married to Christoffel Huijske and Johan Martin Swebelaar SV/PROG
- TANAP TANAPMOOC8/7.47a/b Jan Martin Swebelaar ten voordeele van sijn naargelatene huijsvrouw Adriana Weijerse 1756 - see b as well
Individual Geni Profiles not yet connected to the above
- Anna Catharina Elizatheth Weyers DN 39054/1946 Transvaal. Married to Stefanus Salomon Weyers.
- Anna Cornelia Weÿers husband of Otto van Zwam (from his Death Notice 1942).
- Christiaan Jacobus Weyers father of Anna ElizabethJacoba Weyers married to Pieter Johannes Vermaak. Her DN added to her profile
- Gert Hendrik Johannes Weyers Married to Heybrecht - father of Stephanus Salomo Weyers 1922-1993
- Jacobus Matjan Weyers Born c.1869, Zastron; Died 11 August 1921. Son of Johannes Petrus Weyers and Margaretha Magdalena ?; Husband of Magdalena Catharina van Straten
- Johannes Weyers married to Anna Johanna Weyers
- Mary Elizabeth Weyers married to Johannes Hendrik Nicolaas Roodman (1923-1942)
- Mattheus Johannes Weyers married to Martha Jacoba Prinsloo Daughter Johanna Magdalena Magarietha Weyers married to Dreyer. Her DN linked to her profile.
- Matthys Andries Weyers Born c. 1886 Married 14/04/1908 to Elizabeth Gertrude Gillespie (1864-1936) Possibly b5c6de4 Matthys Andreas Weyers Above
- Sophia Catharina Weyers Born c. 1884; Died 9 Nov 1917. Her DN added to her profile; Daughter of Hendrick Christoffel Weyers and Susanna Abigael ? No Children
- Stephanus Salomon Weyers married to Johanna Magrietha Burger (1914-1983)
- Stephanus Salomon Weyers (1867-1926) married to Cecilia Jacoba Joubert
- Stephanus Salomon Weyers born c. 1904; Predekant - married to Weena Smuts 5 Jun 1933 Bloemfontein. Died 1982 - no source
- Willem Hendrik Weyers (1871 - 1940) Married to 1. Elsie Sophia Wilhelmina Gouws and 2. Maria Isabella Swanepoel
References to be linked or placed
- Marriage 4 MNov 1924 Stephanus Solomon Weyers and Johanna Margaretha Florentina Weyers at Worcester, Cape
Information of a Death
- Johann Petrus Weyers 18 May 1897 aged 62y 9m Herbertsdale
- [https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-C91L-V95B-9?
Anglo-Boer War
Anglo-Boer War Museum
Cape Rebels
- Pieter Cornelis Veyers 12020 Willowmore district
- Pieter Cornelis Veyers 12019 Graaff-Reinet District
- Johannes Weyer 12659 Commando Scheepers and Breedt
- Soloman Stephanus 12660 Aberdeen; Commando Scheepers
- Stephanus Weyers 12661 Murraysburg.
Prisoners of War
- Pieter Cornelis Veyers POW no. 25351; Age 28 address Kafirskop, Willowmore; Captured at Zwartkloof on 3 Sep 1901
- Daniel Weyers POW no. 11447 Krugersdorp; Captured Krugersdorp on 27 Jul 1900
- Jacobus Maartjam Weyers POW no. 17459 of Welgeval, Jacobsdal; Captured 26 Dec 1900 at Houwater
- Johannes Petrus Weyers POW no. 11635; age 26, of Boschrand, Kroonstad; Captured on his farm 17 Jun 1900 - Groenpunt Camp, South Africa
Boer Internees Portugal
- Arie Weyers - machinist - 24, unmarried Intern Peniche
- Stephanus Salomon Weyers] Policeman aged 34, married location Transvaal - Intern Peniche
- Weyers, Arie. Burger ... Served: ZASM.
- Weyers, Daniel Du Plessis. Burger ... Served: Kroonstad.
- Weyers, Gert Hendrik. Burger ... Served: General Liebenberg.
- Weyers, Hendrik Christoffel. Burger ... Served: Middelburg.
- Weyers, Jacobus Haartjan. Veldkornet ... Served: Jacobsdal. Awarded the DTD (Dekoratie voor Trouwe Dienst).
- Weyers, Mattheus Johannes. Burger ... Served: Middelburg.
- Weyers, Stephanus Saimon. Burger ... Served: Johannesburg.
External links to Weyer/Weyers people
● Johann Weyer 1515-1588Johann Weyer 1515 – 24 February 1588) was a Dutch physician, occultist and demonologist, disciple and follower of Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa.