The Coromandel arrived at Portsmouth on 12 January 1802 and departed from Spithead in company with the Perseus bound for Port Jackson on 12 February 1802. She came direct, the first convict ship to do so, and arrived in Port Jackson on 13 June 1802. ==Sources* Jen Willetts, Convict Ship Coromandel 1802 Only one prisoner died on the voyage out138 Male convictsShip Master* Alexander SterlingShip ...
From "Jefferson's Legacy: A brief history of the Library of Congress" The office of Librarian of Congress, like the Library of Congress itself, has been shaped by tradition, politics, and strong personalities. Although the Library of Congress was established in 1800, the office of Librarian was not created until 1802. This 1802 law stipulated that the Librarian of Congress was to be appointed b...