MIGRATION FILES OF THE CITY OF ANTWERP AND FORMER BORDER TOWNS=== Please help improve the English translation on this page =There exist files of people from Denmark, Holland, England, France, Germany, Hungary, Israel, Poland, Romania, Russia, Sweden, etc. as well of the Stateless.The so-called 'alien-files' (foreigner-files) contain a wealth of information, both for genealogical searches and fo...
Gouverneur Wesleyan Seminary was located in Gouverneur, St. Lawrence County, New York, United States. The seminary was operated in the 19th century by the Black River Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church.The seminary began in 1827 as a grammar school called Gouverneur Union Academy. On April 5, 1828, this academy was incorporated as The Gouverneur High School. By April 1834, a two story...
This project is meant to gather the profiles of Jewish children from Belgium who lost their parents in the Holocaust. This includes orphaned Holocaust survivors from Belgium, but also Jewish children who were living in Belgian orphanages during the war, who were arrested in the orphanage and then deported to, and murdered in, Auschwitz-Birkenau.
This project focuses on the athletes who represented Canada at the 1920 Summer Olympics in Antwerp.