Genealogy Projects tagged with Arenac County on the Geni Family Tree

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  • Arenac County, Michigan

    Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Arenac County, Michigan . Official Website History Arenac County was organized in 1883. The name Arenac, coined by Henry Rowe Schoolcraft , US Indian Agent and ethnologist, is a derivation of the Latin arena and the Native American. The combined words mean “A sandy place for a good footing.” The county includes some off-reservati...

  • Evergreen Cemetery, Omer, Michigan

    In locating the secluded Evergreen Cemetery you must travel to Omer, Arenac County, Michigan. Turn Northwest on Michigan Avenue in Omer. Travel Michigan Avenue as it winds and turns along the scenic Rifle River. The cemetery is located next to the St. Edward's Cemetery on the south side of the road. Evergreen is cared for and controlled by the City of Omer. Graves date from 1860's Find a Gra...