Genealogy Projects tagged with Bent on the Geni Family Tree

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  • Descendants of Edward Harrington(1593-1653)

    Project for those descended from Edward Harrington(1593-1653). Edward Harrington Posted by: Barbara McGee (ID *****8521) Date: December 07, 2002 at 15:00:20 In Reply to: Re: EDWARD HARRINGTON/Jamestown,VA/ENGLAND by Ralph White of 4735 NotesFrom Harrington who had the daughter who married a Bell. If you will email me I can give you documented information on him. As far as the record of his wil...

  • Bent Family of Jamaica

    This project is for Bent Family of Jamaica, and related families. We will discuss, research, and connect here.===Notable Bents===Many of the Bents lived in Queensberry. After the American revolution, many American Indians who had sided with the British were sold as slaves to the British colonies. A group of Cherokees from Georgia were shipped to Jamaica, and sold to a John Bent who owned a plan...