Genealogy Projects tagged with China on the Geni Family Tree

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  • Chinese Dissidents

    中國持不同政見者列表 >> This list consists of these activists who are known as Chinese dissidents. Many Chinese political activists have been detained or jailed or exiled for their pro-democracy or rights defending activities. The Chinese government has many blacklists. '*] ]]

  • Boxer Indemnity Scholarship Program

    庚子賠款獎學金 The Boxer Rebellion of 1900. See wikipedia article . 1909 金濤 Cornell 魏文彬 Amherst 程義法 Mei Yi-Chi 梅貽琦 Worcester 范永增 Fu-liang Chang 張福良 Yale Kang-Fuh Hu 胡剛復 Harvard 程義藻 Cornell 陸寶淦 朱惟傑 楊永言 吳清度 鄺煦堃 唐悅良 謝兆基 李鳴和 何杰 朱復 羅惠僑 吳玉麟 賀楙慶 邢契莘 MIT 王士傑 裘昌運 徐佩璜 王仁輔 Pan Cheng King 金邦正 Cornell 戴濟 嚴家騶 Chih Ping 秉志 Cornell 陳熀 張廷金 陳慶堯 盧景泰...

26-27 of 27 projects