The Shanghai ghetto , formally known as the Restricted Sector for Stateless Refugees (無国籍難民限定地区 mukokuseki nanmin gentei chiku?), was an area of approximately one square mile in the Hongkou District of Japanese-occupied Shanghai, to which about 20,000 Jewish refugees were relocated by the Japanese-issued Proclamation Concerning Restriction of Residence and Business of Stateless Refugees after h...
Huangdi (皇帝), a title created by Zheng 政, First Emperor of Qin 秦始皇帝 (literally the First Huangdi of the Qin) in reference to the legends of the Three August Ones ( Huang ) and the Five Emperors ( Di ), and thereafter employed by all who claimed the "Mandate of Heaven" over all or part of China, until 1912 when the last Huangdi Puyi [Aisin Gioro , the last Emperor of China] of Qing Dynasty was f...
The Jinshi degree originated in 605 CE (Sui Dynasty), and has evolved to be the sole stepping stone into the higher echelon of the civil service by the time of the Ming and the Qing. The Ming and Qing Jinshi are well documented; while the earlier ones are largely incomplete. Family genealogies often taken careful notes of such accomplishments, and can be a valuable source to compile a complete ...
Croatian Emigration indicates that of the Croatians who were reported to have "emigrated", at least 30% eventually returned to their homeland. Hrvati izvan domovine / Croatians outside the homeland Adresar trgovaca, obrtnika i drugih uglednijih pripadnika iz Hrvatske, Dalmacije i Istre nastanjenih u Americi, Africi, Aziji i Australiji iz popis hrvatskih družtava i hrvatskih novina u Ameri...
Chinese Americans are Americans who have full or partial Han Chinese ancestry. Chinese Americans constitute one group of overseas Chinese and also a subgroup of East Asian Americans, which is further a subgroup of Asian Americans. Many Chinese Americans are immigrants along with their descendants from mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan, as well as from other regions that include large...
Chinese wikipedia article
excluding the division of Philosophy and Social Sciences (1955, 1957) and Foreign Members.維基百科 院士文庫
Eminent Chinese of the Ch'ing Period is a biographical dictionary in English, edited by Arthur William Hummel, Sr and published in 1943 in two volumes by the Library of Congress of the United States. In addition to scholarly biographies (in contrast to the official history in the Confucian tradition) of some 800—and by way of mention, several hundred more—individuals from the late Ming to earl...
Yenching University was perhaps the most impressive example of Sino–Western cooperation in the twentieth century. From its founding in 1916 by Western missionaries until the Communist victory, Yenching mirrored the colorful and frustrating efforts of Chinese and Western liberals to find solutions to China’s overriding preoccupation with national salvation. In charting the ebb and flow of univer...
Although practically everyone in China might be considered a victim of the Cultural Revolution, this project is limited to those who have been directly killed, or driven to commit suicide (to avoid public humiliation) during the 10 year period.* a short list on Chinese wikipedia *
This project is a general purpose Portal for Chinese users (in the Mainland). See also separate Portals for Taiwan and Hong Kong . If you need help with your genealogy, start a discussion within this project. For English-speakers, some basics can be found at House of Chinn , and at the online forum at Siyi Chinese genealogy .If you (are a Westerner who) have ancestors who worked and lived in Ch...
庚子賠款獎學金 The Boxer Rebellion of 1900. See wikipedia article . 1909 金濤 Cornell 魏文彬 Amherst 程義法 Mei Yi-Chi 梅貽琦 Worcester 范永增 Fu-liang Chang 張福良 Yale Kang-Fuh Hu 胡剛復 Harvard 程義藻 Cornell 陸寶淦 朱惟傑 楊永言 吳清度 鄺煦堃 唐悅良 謝兆基 李鳴和 何杰 朱復 羅惠僑 吳玉麟 賀楙慶 邢契莘 MIT 王士傑 裘昌運 徐佩璜 王仁輔 Pan Cheng King 金邦正 Cornell 戴濟 嚴家騶 Chih Ping 秉志 Cornell 陳熀 張廷金 陳慶堯 盧景泰...
JEWISH DIASPORA IN MODERN CHINA 2em>The history of Jewish Diaspora in modern China has a much clearer beginning, starting in the second half of the 19thcentury when China was forced to open her doors to Western powers. Jews came in several waves. First came Sephardic Jews, originally form Baghdad and Bombay, to look for business opportunities in newly-opened Chinese cities such as Shanghai ...
This is the master project or portal for the Angel Island Arrivals series. We will have sub-projects broken down by decade. The first sub-project will be Angel Island Arrivals: 1910-1920. Summary Immigration Timeline The experience for Asian immigrants in this period was quite different. In 1882, Congress passed the Chinese Exclusion Act, severely restricting immigration from China. ...
Place projects are projects on Geni that are focused of a specific geographical place or region. Places profiles are also the precursor to the upcoming Place Profiles feature. Place project portals Includes countries and kingdoms, and other top level place project. Geographical Australia Canada Europe Al-Andalus Austro-Hungarian-Empire Belarus Czech Republic-Bohemia Croatia
British Expeditionary Force was sent to China during the Boxer Rebellion.The Boxer Rebellion, Boxer Uprising or Yihetuan Movement was an anti-imperialist uprising which took place in China towards the end of the Qing dynasty between 1898 and 1900. It was initiated by the Militia United in Righteousness (Yihetuan), known in English as the "Boxers," and was motivated by proto-nationalist sentimen...
The China arrives in Table Bay 4 August 1688 Many sources give the name of the ship as Berg China, but the official Dutch records only give it as China. The confusion might stem from the fact that the China was captained by Pieter van den Berg on some of her voyages.* Ship’s type: Spiegelretourschip * Construction: Built in 1676 for the Chamber of Amsterdam at the VOC ship yard in Amsterdam.* T...
Chancellor (China)= Wikipedia The chancellor (Chinese: 宰相, zǎixiàng; 丞相, chéngxiàng) – also translated chief councillor and prime minister – was the highest-ranking official in the imperial government in ancient China. The chancellor can also refer to a specific post in the imperial government, which was first officially instituted in Qin dynasty (221–206 BC) as the "head of all civil service o...
The cemetery is located on private property somewhere down Clark Road which runs off Maine Rte 32. The cemetery is probably on the lake side of Clark Road after it turns and heads north before ending. According to the US Postal Service, this is South China, Kennebec County, Maine, but the Town of China, Maine maintains the cemetery. Find a Grave
明 孝惠皇后 (憲宗貴妃 世宗祖母) 1522 壽安皇太后 1522 薨 孝成敬皇后 (孝宗皇后 武宗生母) 1505 皇太后 1510 慈壽皇太后 1521 昭聖慈壽皇太后 1541 薨 慈孝獻皇后 (興獻王妃 世宗生母) 1521 興國太后 1523 章聖皇太后 1528 章聖慈仁皇太后 1536 章聖慈仁康靜貞壽皇太后 1538 薨 孝安皇后 (穆宗皇后) 1572 仁聖皇太后 1578 仁聖貞懿皇太后 1582 仁聖貞懿康靜皇太后 1596 薨 孝定皇太后 (穆宗貴妃 神宗生母) 1572 慈聖皇太后 1578 慈聖宣文皇太后 1582 慈聖宣文明肅皇太后 1601 慈聖宣文明肅貞壽端獻皇太后 1606 慈聖宣文明肅貞壽端獻恭熹皇太后 ...
Chinese - arrivals in South Australia - Index Many families and some single persons arrived in South Australia, a free settlers State in the 1850's to 1880's.In working with these records it has been noticed that many did not stay in South Australia.They may have gone directly to the Goldfields, many appear in Victoria Australia and Queensland. This project will list these persons and profiles ...
The Boxer Movement, or Boxer Rebellion, was a Chinese uprising from November 1899 to September 7, 1901, against foreign influence in areas such as trade, politics, religion and technology that occurred in China during the final years of the Manchu rule (Qing Dynasty).The members of the Chinese Society of Righteous and Harmonious Fists were simply called boxers by the Westerners due to the marti...
Tan is the most common surname in the Chinese city of Xiamen (Amoy). It is shared by millions of Chinese descendants across the globe, particularly in Southeast Asia. Join the project to connect with relatives.We have access to thousands of clan history books (zupus / 族谱) and other Chinese genealogical resources to help you on your search.Help us map the worlds first Tan clan tree!
Britain==1875 - 1911 Envoys of the Qing Empire* 郭嵩燾 * 許鈐身 * 劉錫鴻* 曾紀澤 * 劉瑞芬 * 薛福成 * 龔照瑗* 張德彜* 汪大燮 * 李經方 * 劉玉麟1912-1935 Envoys of Republic of China* 劉玉麟* 施肇基