Genealogy Projects tagged with Coke County on the Geni Family Tree

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  • Coke County, Texas

    From about 1700 to the 1870s, Comanche, Tonkawa, Lipan Apache, Kickapoo and Kiowa roamed the county. These tribes settled in rock shelters in the river and creek valleys, leaving behind artifacts and caches of seeds, implements, burial sites, petroglyphs, river shells, turkey and deer bones, flint knives, scrapers and points. In 1851, United States Army post Fort Chadbourne was established to ...

  • Robert Lee Cemetery, Robert Lee, Texas

    Robert Lee Cemetery is located on Highway 158 just as you turn east off of Highway 208. It is located on the south side of the road. US Gen Net Established in 1891, two years after the founding of the city of Robert Lee, developers L. B. Harris and Eugene Cartledge, as president and secretary of the Austin & Northern Land & Cattle Company, on Sept. 29, 1892, sold for $1.00 this 11.7-acre b...