Genealogy Projects tagged with Dale County on the Geni Family Tree

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  • Dale County, Alabama

    The area now known as Dale County was originally inhabited by members of the Creek Indian nation, who occupied all of southeastern Alabama during this period. Between the years of 1764 and 1783 this region fell under the jurisdiction of the colony of British West Florida. The county, together with the surrounding area, was ceded to the United States in the 1814 Treaty of Fort Jackson, ending th...

  • Center Ridge Cemetery, Ozark, Alabama

    Located on AL Hwy 123 North, across from Center Ridge Baptist Church, about seven miles from Ozark, in Dale County, Alabama. Find a Grave USGW Archives

  • Battle of Newton, Alabama (March 14, 1865), US Civil War

    The Battle of Newton was a minor skirmish that took place in the small town of Newton, Alabama, on 14 March 1865, during the final days of the U.S. Civil War . It was fought between local Home Guard troops and elements of the 1st Florida Cavalry (US) , who had invaded the Wiregrass region of Alabama . This operation had not been approved by Brig. Gen. Alexander Asboth , commanding Union forces ...