Genealogy Projects tagged with Emmet County on the Geni Family Tree

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  • Emmet County, Michigan

    Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Emmet County, Michigan. Official Website Ottawa history records that Emmet County was thickly populated by indigenous peoples called the Mush-co-desh, which means "the prairie tribe". They had an agrarian society and were said to have "shaped the land by making the woodland into prairie as they abandoned their old worn out gardens w...

  • Emmet County, Iowa

    Please add profiles for those who were born, lived or died in Emmet County, Iowa. Official Website Emmet County was created by authority of the Iowa Legislature in 1851. There were finally enough settlers in the area to organize the county in 1859. The county was named for the Irish patriot Robert Emmet, who was hanged as a traitor to the British government at the age of 25. Adjacent Counti...

  • Armstrong Grove Cemetery, Armstrong, Iowa

    Armstrong Grove cemetery is located in Section 16 of Armstrong Grove Township in Emmet County, Iowa, or from Armstrong, Iowa it is one mile west on Highway 9 and 1/2 miles north. There is a chapel located at the cemetery which is called the Madden-Mallory Memorial Chapel. The chapel is open to the public and contains records of the cemetery. IA GenWeb Find a Grave