¤ Suomen kuvataiteilijat, kuvanveistäjät, muotoilijat, koru-, tekstiili-, lasi- ja keramiikkataiteilijat ¤ Painters, graphic artists, sculptors, designers, jewellers, textile artists, glass artists and ceramists of Finland ¤ Syntymävuosijärjestyksessä: 1300 1300 . . Liedon mestari wikipedia 1600 1635 . . Mikael Balt 1640 . . Jochim Lang 1647 . . Elias Isaksson Bre...
Project Masters of Visual Arts of Lithuania is created to honour notable Lithuanian representatives of visual arts, other than those that require stage.Please add profiles to the project, if they were:* weavers* painters* designers* photographers* graphic artists* goldsmiths* blacksmiths* poster makers* wood carvers* sculptors* textile designers and other similar artists.Only public profiles ma...