Este projeto tem por objetivo reunir todos os nobre portugueses existentes no Geni, das mais diferentes hierarquias, concedidos pelo Reino de Portugal, bem como aqueles ainda existentes na atualidade.Fiquem à vontade para contribuir.A nobreza portuguesa era o estamento privilegiado do Reino de Portugal (1139-1910) até 5 de outubro de 1910, quando foi implantada a república em Portugal, em decor...
Crypto Judaism >>> The Sephardi Odyssey Exquisite pictorial video.== Vatican Library Resource * The Inquisition Index * Introduction to inquisition trial transcripts and records * PBS Secret Files of The Inquisition * Family names from the Inquisition Archives of Portugal's Torre do Tombe
Wikipedia: English - German Ermenrich (409-438) Rechila (438-448) Rechiar (448-456) Aiulf (456-457) Maldras (456-460) Framta (457) Rechimund (460-464) Frumar (460-464) Remismund (464-469)
The cemetery is located on the south side of Iberia-Bellville Road (Township Road 49) about 09.5 miles east of its intersection with Mount Gilead-Iberia Galion Road (County Road 30). The cemetery is located in Washington Township, Morrow County, Ohio, and is # 8727 ( Washington Township Cemetery / Iberia Cemetery) in "Ohio Cemeteries 1803-2003", compiled by the Ohio Genealogical Society. The ...
The aim of this project is to explore and capture the glorious culture, great and rich heritage of Sephardic Jewry vis-a-vis prominent leaders and famous personalities from the the Babylonian Exile to our times.>>>>] Project Photo =Articles, Videos, Websites*see video * articles * Sephardic Studies * Farhi.org Genealogy Index >>>>= Noteworthy Sephardim ===] List of Geni Profiles>==Hasdei Ibn Sh...
History of the Jews in Puerto Rico The Jewish immigration to Puerto Rico began in the 15th century with the arrival of Crypto-Jews , or Secret Jews who accompanied Christopher Columbus on his second voyage. An open Jewish community did not flourish in Puerto Rico because Judaism was prohibited by the Spanish Inquisition , however many migrated to mountainous parts of the island, far from the ce...