Bristol County is a county in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. As of the 2010 census, the population was 548,285. The county seat is Taunton. Some governmental functions are performed by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, others by the county, and others by local towns and cities. See Administrative divisions of Massachusetts. The property deed records are kept in Taunton, Attleboro, Fall Riv...
This subportal is part of the USA Portal . About the Massachusetts project The Massachusetts project is created in order to facilitate those researching ancestors or relatives in Massachusetts or elsewhere in the world but with roots or relatives in Massachusetts. We encourage everyone with links in Massachusetts to communicate and explore a common ancestry -- and to add the tag "Mas...
==Turner Falls Massacre Captain William Turner and 150 militia volunteers attacked a fishing Indian camp at present-day Turners Falls, Massachusetts. At least 100 women and children were murdered in the attack.===SummaryFrom Turner’s Falls Project >The Native American community known as Peskeompskut-Wissatinnewag was located in the vicinity of current day Turners Falls and is the location of a ...
Howe they lived, died, survived and left their mark...Howe's this:Biography 1676 Lancaster Indian Raid Elizabeth Kerley, who was born in 1660 to Captain Henry Kerley and his first wife, the former Elizabeth White, both of Lancaster, Massachusetts. Elizabeth along with her father had excaped the well documented Massacre at the Lancaster settlement, which was part of the long struggle with the na...