Genealogy Projects tagged with Knife on the Geni Family Tree

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  • Killed with a knife

    Cut-throats can be of homicidal, suicidal or accidental origin. In cases of death from a cut-throat, distinguishing the cause is one of the important functions in crime investigation. The features that differentiate suicidal and homicidal cut-throat injuries are the presence of hesitation cuts, depth of wound, signs of struggle, edges of the wound, etc. In the case of a suicidal cut-throat, it ...

  • Cutlers (knife makers)

    From Old English Occupations :==CUTLER Knife seller or sharpener ==From Wikipedia The first documented use of the term "cutler" in Sheffield [Yorkshire, England] appeared in a 1297 tax return. A Sheffield knife was listed in the King's possession in the Tower of London fifty years later. Several knives dating from the 14th century are on display at the Cutlers' Hall in Sheffield .Cutlery has be...