Geni naming conventions - Latin America See the projects Geni naming conventions and Geni naming conventions - data entry for general guidance. Use ordinary case. Name Preference Settings can be used to change how names are displayed to your personal preference. Place the last name a person was born with in the Birth Surname field and the last name they died with in the Surname field. Al...
Prominent Argentines>* Pope Francis l, Jorge Mario Bergoglio >* Luis Federico Leloir Aguirre >* Daniel Barenboim >* Bernardo Alberto Houssay Laffont >* Wikipedia List of Prominent Argentines = Projects Directory * Presidentes de Argentina * Música de Argentina
The Latin American Jewish Odyssey History of the Jews in Latin America The history of the Jews in Latin America dates, according to some interpretations, back to Christopher Columbus and his first cross-Atlantic voyage on August 3, 1 492, when he left Spain and eventually discovered the New World. His date of departure was also the day on which the Catholic Monarchs Isabella I of Castile and Fe...