Genealogy Projects tagged with Mattoon on the Geni Family Tree

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  • Dodge Grove Cemetery, Mattoon, Illinois

    On April 7, 1862, a resolution was adopted by the Mattoon City Council to purchase ground for a city cemetery. In December of that year it was given the name Dodge Grove. It formally opened in the spring of 1863. According to William LeBaron, Jr. in The History of Coles County, Illinois, Dodge Grove received its name as a result of a horse race in Springfield, Illinois. The Whitley family, own...

  • Calvary Cemetery, Mattoon, Illinois

    The cemetery is located on North 19th Street, Mattoon, Coles County, Illinois. Find a Grave Genealogy Trails

  • The Mattoon/Walker Family Tree

    We're all insane espesially my children and my sister, my husband and I are the only real sane ones. -Brittany Mattoon Ignore what she said she can be insane also and i times im the only sane one along with 1 of my children-Madison Walker No,ignore her. She and my daughter Tiffany are the craziest I only get hyper every now and then they are hyper EVERYDAY. -Brittany Mattoon No im not ,my niece...